A Little Struggle

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You reentered your room, seeing Rui cuddled up with Lucky into your bed, watching a familiar anime.

"Ah, you know this one?"

"Mhm, it's one of my favorites."

You brought the bottles you held over to your bed, setting your water on the nightstand and handing Rui his, along with the melatonin.

You laid down where you had been earlier, watching the familiar episode play as Rui looked over the label on the back of the medicine's bottle. He poured out the specified amount and chugged it, cringing at the taste.

"It doesn't taste the best. That's why I brought the water."

"Thanks," he still cringed as you took the melatonin and measuring cup from him to put on your nightstand. He opened his water and took a nice, long swig, before setting it next to him. "Terrible."

"Worse than broccoli?" You teased, recalling supper.

"No, no, I'd drink that whole bottle sooner than I'd so much as lick a piece of broccoli."

"My, your diet's just terrible, isn't it?"

"Well, nothing bad came of it, as far as I know, so I'll keep with it."

You shook your head as you laid back into your pillows, watching the characters on the screen of your TV live out their lives. You didn't realize how heavy your eyelids got, even when they closed and stole your consciousness from you.

Not too long later, Rui felt the effects of the melatonin kick in, his own eyes growing almost too heavy to keep open. He turned to see if you were still awake, only to find that you weren't.

There was a warmth he felt at seeing how peaceful you were, curled up less than a foot next to him. But there was a sudden tension that followed. It seemed out of place. You two really weren't close enough to be sharing a bed, were you? Maybe he should respect your space and go sleep on the beanbag chair that you were planning on using.

As he started to get up, however, Lucky lifted her head from his chest. Upon seeing that he was attempting to leave, she let out a loud and obnoxious meow. One so loud, Rui was entirely surprised to find you hadn't so much as flinched in your sleep. Even so, he didn't want it to happen again.

"Lucky, I'm sorry, but you have to get off," he whispered half desperately. At that she gave another grumpy meow, and this time, Rui could feel you shift next to him, until your shoulder was just barely pressed to his side. Immediately, he felt the skin there get hot and his heart race.

With a shakey sigh of defeat, he laid back down, Lucky looking content and laying her head down as well. He took a quiet breath before allowing himself to relax next to you, and drift off somewhere distant.

The morning after, Rui was confused when he awoke, until he recalled the events of the previous evening. Part of what he recalled pulled him to look to where you had been sleeping, but his eyes were met with a small patch of grey fur. Lucky stared at the door expectantly, tail thrashing.

"Did she leave us?" Rui asked her warmly, running his hand down her soft coat a few times. She gave a quick mewl in reply. He grabbed and shook her head playfully, recalling the struggle she had caused last night. "You're a brat, aren't you?"

With that, he got up and left the room to go look for you. A glance down the stairs confirmed you were in the kitchen, as the light from that room mixed with the sun shining into the living room. He walked down half-tiredly and entered the kitchen, seeing you with a spatula in hand, looking down into a frying pan. Upon his entrance, you gave him a sad smile.

"Awe darn. I was hoping you'd stay asleep a little longer. Just a few more minutes and I could've surprised you with breakfast." You flipped the egg you were frying carefully.

"Why?" He couldn't help the way your kindness gave him butterflies.

"Because you've been so sweet, taking be to all these places. And, well, why not?"

"Ah, I guess that's fair." With that, he came over next to you, seeing the few more eggs you had waiting to be fried. Everything else was done. The bacon and toast, hell the toast even had butter already. He couldn't help but feel like he ruined what would've been just about the nicest way he could've woken up.

"Oh, you do like eggs and bacon, right?"

"Mhm. Just no veggies for me."

That made you furrow your brows. "None? Like... not even potatoes or anything? I mean, I can understand beans and stuff... but..."

"No, no, they're all awful for me." His nose scrunched up in disgust, hand waving dismissively.

"Well, I'll keep that in mind." You slid your spatula under the egg and flipped it onto the plate next to the stove. Then, you handed it over to Rui. "I'll get you a glass. Help yourself to any of the drinks in the fridge."

He thanked you, taking his food and drink over to the table to start eating. It tasted amazing, warming his chest even more. Being around you this much, he wasn't sure he could stand being apart later.

"Isn't your mom awake yet?"

"No, she likes to sleep in when she comes home. Unless we have plans, that is. I try to make her breakfast like this too."

"Mm, that's sweet."

"You think so?" Meanwhile you finished up making your own breakfast, since your mom's was waiting on the counter for when she wanted it. Once you were done, you cleaned up everything, turning the stove off and putting the pan and other utensils in the sink, and brought your meal over to the table with Rui.

"Do you like it?"

He nodded happily, food nearly gone already. "You must get it from your mom, hm?"

"Yes, I suppose I do."

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now