Feel Something

734 19 30

Stop being edgy Y/n

Requested by DoutorFran_Calvo


Anyway ending is mildly based off of a story I saw (I'm sorry)


Rui was about to knock on your door, before it opened and pulled away from his hand. There stood you, in all your glory. At least, he thought he could call it that. You were just about the biggest blank-slate he'd ever met.

"Oh, hi Rui." He knew that meant he surprised you, even if you hadn't so much as widened your eyes or flinched after opening the door.

"Morning Y/n. You ready to go?"

"Hm," you nodded, leaving your house and locking the door. You both walked down the sidewalk to school. As you did so, you looked at the sky's sunrise colors. Even if there was no change, Rui could sense a bit of appreciation.

"The sky looks nice." There it was.

"It does, doesn't it? I like the orange parts."

You continued walking to school, watching the surroundings, then arrived at your school with Tsukasa and Nene standing out front.

"Y/n-san! Rui! How have your mornings been?"

"Not bad."
"Pretty good."

Nene came over to your side the way she always did. In a way, she'd grown rather attached to you. You seemed interested in the same games as her, and she enjoyed how quiet you were.

"To class, then!" Tsukasa pointed theatrically and led the way to your separate classes.

Hours later, you were at lunch with these same friends. Tsukasa was raving about another show idea to you and Rui while you watched Nene play a horror game out of the corner of your eye and occasionally fed her a chip or two when she forgot that she was supposed to be eating.

"Anyway, I wanted to bring it up to see if you guys think we'd be able to do it with our current skills," Tsukasa explained.

"I think we can manage it. Don't you?"

You thought about it. It's not like it'd be a challenge. "We could."

"Great! I'll get a few kinks worked out and bring it up again for our next show, since we're already pretty close to this one."

You nodded and grabbed Nene another chip. As she beat her level, the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. Rui pulled you to him, kissing you on the forehead as a goodbye. Tsukasa waved as Nene walked you to your class, hers being right next door.

Once that and the class after it were over, you walked to the front doors to bid farewell to Nene and Tsukasa. Once there, Rui slipped his hand into yours and walked with you to your house.

"Do you want me to stay over again tonight?"

"Hm," you nodded, squeezing his hand tighter. It was small things like that that reminded him you were human. The fact that you wanted him over, and the squeeze to his hand. You were adorable. He just wanted to hold you and never let you go.

As you entered your house, he could barely keep from doing that, surprising you with a hug. He could hear you squeak into his chest, holding you tight. You paused a moment, then returned the embrace softly. He shoved his face into the top of your head, nuzzling roughly.

"Are you hungry?"


"Oh, okay." You tilted your head up and kissed him on the cheek, then pulled away. You went to your kitchen and grabbed a snack, then beckoned him over to the stairs. He rushed over, grabbing your hand and following you up to your room. Once there, he greeted Lucky by picking her up and petting her while you laid down and turned on the TV. Seeing you cozying up, he ran over, setting your cat aside in disinterest. He crawled onto your bed and laid on top of you, wrapping his arms under you.

"I love you so much."

"Mm, I love you too."

He laughed lightly, but it soon bubbled into an uncontrollable giggle against your chest, squeezing you tightly. You could feel the heat on his face where it was pressed against you.

"I love youuuuu," he cooed. "That doesn't even feel like enough. Is there something that means more?"

You were thoughtfully silent. He knew he couldn't expect you to know. Even as cold as you often were, you currently had your arms squeezing him close to you the way he was, making his heartbeat loud enough for him to hear and feel. You were his favorite thing right now.

He soon came to a conclusion. A sentence that meant the same thing, but so much more. And just two little words, too. He chuckled, then shifted up, cupping your cheek in one hand to pull your face to his lips. He kissed your other cheek softly, lovingly, until his lips hovered before your ear, and he whispered.

"Marry me."

Even just saying it filled Rui with butterflies. He could only imagine what hearing it made you feel. Nothing you'd outwardly show, he was sure.

He was surprised to find your face had started boiling. Your breathing was uneven and he swore he could hear your heartbeat. He lifted himself to look at your face and caught himself melting at the sight. You were so surprised, eyes wide. Those doe eyes looked at him for a second, then clenched closed and turned away in embarrassment.

"Y/n, you're so cute," he cooed once more, basically disintegrating in your arms. He nuzzled into the nape of your neck and held you tight until he started to feel tired.

"Rui, are you awake?"

He was going to nod, but something told him not to. He remained silent, and your hand slid up into his hair, playing with it gently. When he still didn't stir, you sighed.

"I love you, Rui. So, so much," you started, voice somehow holding all the emotions you never showed. "More than the sun, the moon, each star in the night sky... more than singing and dancing... than performing..." your arms tightened around him, voice breaking, and he struggled to keep his wet eyes from dripping out onto your chest. "I really take you for granted sometimes, don't I? I love you, Rui. I love you."

He waited, laid in your arms and hoped you couldn't feel his erratic heartbeat or hear how shakey his breathing was. When he was sure you were asleep, snoring in his arms, he got up. He walked over to your room's bathroom and closed the door behind him, now not bothering to keep his tears in his eyes. The sweetest words he'd ever had said to him. That's what he'd heard fall from your lips.

And so genuine.

A while later, when he had finally stopped hiccuping and was sure no signs, other than his puffy eyes, were left, he came back to you, resting himself in your arms more tenderly than he ever usually did.

"I love you too, Y/n."

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now