Just Like the Clichés

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"Did he taste like strawberries?" Your mother asked lowly, fixing you with her usual mischievous grin. You cringed.

"No, Mom, my love story isn't going to be some fairytale novel, y'know. I mean- this isn't even a love story! It was an accident."

"Sure, sure, an accident. Like tripping and falling on top of him and accidentally kissing him? All the clichés, my dear."

"I'm serious. He's just my friend, and I don't want anything more."

"Well, it seems like the you that was at the top of that ferris wheel had a different opinion. And him as well."

You sighed, looking out the window at the dark neighborhood. It seemed so much gloomier than the darkness you were in when leaving Phoenix Wonderland.

"Tell me, Y/n, are you sure you just want to be friends with him?"

"I'm pretty sure, yeah. That kiss... it was probably just because I was so pent up."

"Pent up? Why?"

"Because, when someone leaves you after giving you enough of something that you begin to crave it, you wish they hadn't left, even if that means replacing them."

"You're pent up because you miss the attention Isago gave you?" Your mother's eyes widened. Anyone that knew about your incident knew you didn't miss Isago a bit. It was odd to hear you admit something so close to it.

"He made me feel wanted, even if he was shitty about it. Rui's starting to make me feel that way too."

"Oho, darling, you're head over heels for him!"


Your mother giggled to herself. "C'mon, you know you want him! Just go ask him ou-!"

"No, no, no! I don't! Drop it!"

"Do you want me to help you realize it? Because I certainly can!"

"No, Mom, I don't." You got up from the table, having felt how tired you were getting. "I'm going to bed. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, honey. Make sure you call your boyfriend and tell him goodnight from me, too."

"He's not my boyfriend, dammit."

You sulked up the stairs to your room, repeating the same thing in your head. You didn't like Rui. Not like that. You didn't like anyone like that, and didn't want to for a while. If Rui felt that way about you, he'd just have to wait.

Or- er- give up. Yeah. You weren't gonna feel like that later either. Nope.

With a groan, you flopped face-down onto your bed, sighing heartily into your sheets. With all the emotions flying around in you, you were getting drained pretty fast. Among them was your longing to be back at Rui's side, talking to him and laughing or smiling. Seeing his own pretty smile and hearing his warm laug-

Your phone started buzzing, and you lifted your head to look. It was a call from Rui. Of course it was. Maybe your mom was right about the clichés.


"I forgot to ask, when are you free next week?"

"Uh, I should be free all week. Except maybe Tuesday. That's my mom's last night home for the month."

"We have practice Wednesday and Friday... looks like I'll be taking you out again either Monday or Thursday, then."

"Hm, I'll allow it," you sighed in fake disinterest.

"Ah, where are my manners?" He spoke regally. "Would her highness be willing to accompany me somewhere on one, or perhaps both, or those two nights?"

"Better," you commented with a chuckle. "Yes, I suppose as long as both remain free. You seem to have one of those nights planned out. What of the other?"

"I suppose that depends on how well the first night goes."

That made an unfamiliar feeling rise in your chest. Something in between curiosity and fear. Was he just talking about if anything were to go wrong the first night, or if something went right?

"I have no doubt it'll be nice. Everywhere we've gone so far has been great."

"I'm glad to hear it. I catch myself putting a lot of thought into the places I take you. In fact, I think about it subconsciously and only realize when I come up with something good."

"Like taking me to Phoenix Wonderland? That doesn't seem like it would take long to consider."

"It really doesn't, does it? It did, though."

You laughed quietly, suddenly realizing just how at-home you felt in Rui's presence, even if it was just auditory and over the phone.

"I had fun today."

"You did? I'm glad." You could basically hear his grateful smile through your speaker.

A few moments of silence passed, and you swore you could hear him tinkering with something at his desk. It wouldn't be all that surprising, honestly.

"Um... hey, Rui?"


"What're you working on?"

"An ultraviolet light manipulator."

The confusion as you processed the words was oddly welcoming.

"...right. And what does it do?"

"I'm planning on using it in one of our upcoming shows. It's supposed to make the stage lights as bright as the sun."

You felt a bit of concern at that. "Wouldn't that be a bad thing?"

"Why would that be a bad thing? It'd make the shows brighter."

"Yeah, but what about your eyes?"

"That'd be an excuse to wear sunglasses on stage. It'll make us look cooler!"

"Sunglasses aren't for looking at the sun, Rui. They're for blocking out the glare. Not to mention, the lights would probably give us sunburn."


"And what about the audience? Not everyone has sunglasses, y'know. And wouldn't they overheat?"

"Right... yeah..."

You felt a twinge of guilt at the now lack of sound coming from his work. Sure, it had to be said, but maybe not when he had already made progress on it.

"I mean, it's a pretty cool idea."

"You think?"

"Yeah! Just... maybe not for the stage. We can find something else for it. Got any ideas for that, mr. genius?"

"No, but I'll get there. With you in my corner, how could I not?"

You could feel yourself melting. Feeling like a sidekick had never been so great.

"Okay, okay, enough with the flirting," you laughed. "Do you have ideas for any other robots for the shows?"

"Not really, why?"

"Cuz we're gonna think of some!"

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now