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I'm running out of chapter titles...


Rui looked up to the entrance from the stage. He flashed a weak smile.

"Hi, Y/n."

You walked over to him, a plate with a slice of your chocolate cake in your hands. You sat down next to him, watching him tighten the screws on one of his prototypes.

"I miss hanging out with you," you sighed warmly. You sat the plate you'd brought with you next to his knee. "Would you wanna come over tonight?"

It surprised you when you didn't hear yourself stutter, especially with the warming of your face. When you were friends, fooling around, it didn't matter so much when you'd ask 'who's house?' But now, you were asking your crush. It was different. Now, if he acted anything like how he had, you doubt you could handle it.

"We're up pretty late. I think my mon would rather I be home."

"I could come over to your house, then. If you want. But... if not, that's fine!"

He smiled. "I have testing tomorrow," he sighed.

"Oh, you should get home, then."

"It's only..." he looked at his clock, giving it a wince of a smile. "Midnight."

"Go home, I'll see you tomorrow," you reached for his head, softly patting it and turning to go back to the rest of the party.



Rui leaned against the table behind him, still smiling almost uncomfortably. "I wanna stay."

"Then come join the rest of us, silly."

"No, no, I mean..."

He wanted you to stay. In his tired daze, he'd almost made that apparent. But if you left, he had to let you.

"Could you grab me a drink?"

"Sure, whaddya want?"

"Surprise me."

So, you returned to the rest of your friends, Nene half asleep, Tsukasa playing cards with the Virtuals, and Emu eating still too much candy. You grabbed the only non-carbonated drink, apple juice, and poured some into one of the red solo cups. You brought it back to Rui, who thanked you and chugged half of it.

"Are you feeling alright? If this bot's tiring you out, you should take a break."

He was obviously tired. He kept taking little swigs of his juice, his body enjoying the hydration he'd neglected to get himself for the past hour. "I'll be fine. Won't be much longer until I get to a good stopping point. Then, if everyone else is tired, I'll probably go home and get some shut-eye."

"Hmn, okay. That'll be good for you." You sat down next to Rui, feeling butterflies in your chest. "So, what does this bot do?"

"It's sorta like a... ringleader for the other bots. I'm trying to set up a network where the bots manage themselves so I can focus more on other parts of the show."

"Oh, that'll be interesting. And convenient. That'll give you more free time, yeah? Then maybe we could hang out more."

He was about to agree, until he recalled the distance again. It frustrated him. It felt like you were just trying to get him back where you had him before. To be so cruel... what had come over you?

"Is everything alright, Rui? I thought things had gotten better, but... it feels like you're still avoiding me."

What were you thinking? Why would you ask that?

"Because I am," he sighed. He finished off his apple juice. "I've been in a harsh denial, but I still love you. As much as I'm avoiding you to get over it... I don't want you to be uncomfortable too. I'm trying to push these feelings away." His voice sounded shakey, as if he'd unloaded everything he'd never wanted to tell you. You were about to speak. Because this was it. The perfect moment. He truly still loved you. Now was the moment when you could-

He stood. "I think I'll call it quits and go home now. Sorry for that. I... really am trying, though. See you, Y/n."

You wanted to stop him and say what you'd meant to. 'No, Rui, I love you too...' But all that came out of your mouth was a simple, "Bye, Rui."

And he left. You looked around. The scattered tools and screws, the half-eaten piece of cake you'd brought, his empty solo cup...

Maybe it was best if you went home too. There was always next time on the whole confession thing. No, wait... that's right, your song. You hadn't thought of even looking for a song yet. Hopefully Nene or Emu had put more thought than you.

You got up and returned to the rest of the party. As Rui had predicted, everyone looked tired. So, you made for the gates, but a call of your name caused you to pause.

"Y/n-san~!" Tsukasa sang, looking half-asleep as he stumbled over to you. He wrapped his arms around you, pressing enough weight into you to almost lose your balance. "Thank you so much for everything, Y/n-san. I couldn't have gotten here without you."

He was clearly exhausted, full of sugary soda and sweets. He should go home.

"It's nothing, Tsukasa. You should go home."

"By myself? Why don't you come too? You haven't been over in a while. I think Saki misses you sometimes. And me, hehe..."

"Group hug?" Emu called as her eyes landed on you and Tsukasa. She quickly ran over, hugging both of you. You chuckled awkwardly, then gently shoved the two away.

"I think I'll just go home. Make sure you guys do soon too."

"Bye, Y/n!"
"Farewell, Idol-san!"

You waved nervously, ignoring Tsukasa's tired musing. When you got home, you felt relieved. Almost as if you'd gotten back from hanging out with Kazuni again. It made your heart sink. This couldn't be... you drifting from the group again... could it?

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now