Fanfest Interview

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"Gah, I have so many questions to ask you!" Tsukasa enthused as he led you up to his house, grabbing his key from one of the pockets of his backpack. "Uh, I mean, if you want to!"

"Sure, I wouldn't mind. As long as I get to find out about you too!"

You swore you could see his face redden slightly at that, but you brushed it off. Great, all this talk of love has you seeing things.

He unlocked his door and opened it for you, letting you in first. As soon as you were in, you saw how nice and spacious his house was, and felt almost underdressed.

"Hey, bro, is that you?" You heard a voice call from upstairs, startling you. Tsukasa walked past you after taking his shoes off and went to the stairs.

"Yeah, and I brought a friend with me!" He then turned to you, inviting you to take your shoes off too.

You heard the girl from upstairs's voice get closer, though quieter. " it Rui again?"

"Hahaha, no, Saki, it's someone I think you'd like to meet!"

At that, the girl, apparently Saki, came down the stairs. As soon as she saw you, her eyes went wide. Yours did as well. Why did she look so familiar...?

"Y/n L/n?!"

"Indeed!" Tsukasa boasted.

"I take it you're a fan too?" You sighed bashfully.

"I heard Nene say something about you going to our school, but I didn't think it was true!"

"Heheh, yeah. It is..."

"Oh, big bro, did you hear there's supposed to be a meteor shower tonight?" Saki turned to Tsukasa. "We could all go watch it together!"

"I did hear something like that from Rui," you commented. Speaking of Rui, you thought back to how odd he'd been acting at school. He was fairly silent throughout math, not passing you any notes or anything. And in the hallways, he didn't wave at you, just looked at you and acknowledged you were there. From what you could tell, however, that was more than Tsukasa could say.

"Ah, Rui. He wouldn't talk to me today."

"He seemed off. Maybe tired?"


"Anyway, Y/n-san, do you wanna go see that meteor shower? I have a good idea of a spot we could go to!" Saki changed the subject. You tilted your head in thought.

"Is it gonna be cold tonight? I didn't bring much of a jacket to wear."

"You could probably fit one of mine if you need. And I'm sure my brother here would be more than happy to lend you one of his!" She smirked, watching Tsukasa's face heat up.

"O-of course I would, if Y/n needed it...!" He was doing a terrible job of playing off his state.

"Um, okay then. I suppose I would enjoy it."

"And it'll remind you of your Sekai!"

"I'm... kinda hoping not..."

Both the siblings seemed confused at that. You hoped they wouldn't ask about it. Saki seemed to pick up on it, but...

"What do you mean?" Tsukasa asked with his brows furrowed. Saki was quick to stop him, changing the subject again.

"Well, you two should go hang out, now! Don't let me stop you!" She suggested, shoving her brother towards one of the rooms. "I'll come get you guys when we get closer to the shower starting. Have fun!" With that, she rushed back upstairs, waving bye to you as you gave her an appreciative look.

"Um, alright. Let's go watch something," Tsukasa smiled, leading you away into one of his house's rooms. It was a livingroom, similar to yours, except it seemed so much brighter, and there were potted plants lining half the walls. You sat down on the couch as he flipped on his TV. You flinched in surprise when he then placed the remote in your hands.

"Go ahead and pick anything! Do you want a snack or something to drink?"

"Uh, just a water, please."

"Of course!" He disappeared around the corner, leaving you with the remote to one of the biggest flatscreen TVs you'd ever seen. Uneasily, you flipped through the few streaming services you knew. Eventually, you decided on the same anime Rui had watched the night you had him over. Soon, Tsukasa walked back in with two water bottles and a box of cheez-its.

"Ah, this one? I know Rui really likes it."

You hummed, picking up where both of you had left off on Friday.

"So, do you have anything in particular you want to do? I have a Switch if you wanna play on it. Oh, or I could ask you about all those burning questions I have!"

"Well, how about that then? Fire away."

Tsukasa kicked the air happily where he sat, eyes wide and starry. "Ah, I don't know where to start! I've always dreamed about interviewing you and stuff, and after choking up when I went backstage...!"

"You went backstage?"

"Yeah. One of your shows that had afterparty passes, I begged my parents to get one. I wouldn't expect you to remember me, though. I don't think I ever got to talk to you."

You reached back into your memory. Your group, unbelievably, had only had three shows with backstage passes. You'd expect to at least recognize him...

"Saki would've come with me, but... well, there was a bit of an accident earlier that day. I'm not sure how many hospitals you visit, but..."

Suddenly, things started to clear up. Why Saki looked so familiar. You'd been to plenty of hospitals to see fans that couldn't make it to shows. Most of the times, they were suggested by the others. That night, as you started to recall, Yuuki had suggested going to see a girl with a body weak enough to be hospitalized, who was a big fan of Kazuni and Hina's.

"Ah, no, I remember... a little."

"You do?"

"Yeah. I knew Saki looked familiar. I'm afraid I didn't see you much though. I'm sure I would've remembered you otherwise."

"Really? Wow. I mean, 3 years of doing what you did, to know that you actually remember that night..."

"Yeah, I... I try to remember things like that. With how meaningful they are and everything."

"Mhm. It really was. I think you should know, you really made Saki's... well, week, really. As you could probably tell by the situation, it hadn't been going so well beforehand."

Seeing Tsukasa's appreciative expression somehow made that night so long ago even more worth it, and it saddened you to know how the others would never see how meaningful it was. At least, not the way you did now.

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