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MEWI REAL??? 😱😱😱❗

Requested by Yuki_lo


You neared your door, tired from your long day and glad to be home. You got your keys from your pocket, making sure to jingle them extra loudly than needed as you reached towards the lock. The answer you got to the noise was several quick footsteps behind the door, which you smiled at. You unlocked it and pushed it open, immediately met with the beady eyes and warm smile of your boyfriend.

"Y/n! It's about time you're home. I've been wondering when I'll get to eat today," he spoke expectantly. Needy as ever. You sat your things down on your table as you deadpanned at him. He gave an innocent look, almost surprised by your expression.

"Ah, what is it? Bad day? Normally you're quite fond of that greeting."

"No, not bad. Just... exhausting."

"If you trusted me enough to cook for you, then maybe I wouldn't have to ask you for food! C'mon, let me treat you to supper every day when you get home," he hummed, wrapping his arms around you and stuffing his nose into your shoulder. You patted his head softly, sighing.

"Yes, but I'd like my house to be in one piece when I get home. And knowing the sort of attitude you have, the authorities would think you did it on purpose and charge you with arson."

"Attitude? What attitude?" He whined in offense. "You think I can't act sorry? Scared? You don't think I'd walk up to an officer and go 'Ah, I just don't know what happened! I was only trying to cook... Goodness knows what my Darling will say when she gets home!'"

"I think you could, perhaps. But all I can see is you shrugging it off and going 'Well, these things happen, don't they? Guess Dearest Y/n will have to find us a new home, haha.'"

"Anyone would sound like they burnt a house down on purpose, sounding like that..." Rui whined. His ears folded back as he pouted up at you. "Do you truly think I'd have no regard for how much you care?"

You sighed once more, pulling Rui's face back to your chest. "No, I know you care. Now, what are you hungry for?"

"Fishie!" He smiled, pulling away from you to clap his hands. You deadpanned once more at him, and his smile fell. "Hm? Not feeling it?"

"Do you even realize how bipolar you can be sometimes?"

"No? In fact, I have no idea what you're talking about! If you're insinuating I switch too quickly from sad to happy, you're the one to blame."

"Right," you spoke sarcastically. Regardless, you walked to the kitchen, grabbing a few utensils to begin cooking your fifth fish meal of the week. You couldn't exactly say you didn't want it, but you were hungry enough that you'd eat anything at this point. You got your ingredients as Rui watched patiently from next to you. His demeanor became less and less intrigued as he watched you, though, because your tired face was making him feel guilty. Oh, how he wished you'd let him do this work for you.

You soon felt two arms wrap around your midsection and a face press to your shoulder. "I'm sorry," was mumbled against you. "I wanna help you out... and make you smile... I'm sorry."

"Hey," you murmured, reaching to scratch behind Rui's ear. He purred heartily, enough his whole body vibrated. "Calm down. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be such a jerk. I love you, Ruru." At that, you turned your head to place a soft kiss to his forehead.

"L-love... you t-too..." he attempted to mumble out against you, but your scratching was enough to make him malfunction. You laughed warmly, content with the state of his answer, and pulled your hand away so you could continue cooking. He soon lifted his head from your shoulder, making a surprised noise and rubbing his wrist against where his mouth had been on your shirt. The fabric felt damp, rubbing against your skin. He sighed, more so at himself than you.

"Y/n... why do you do that..." he asked, disappointed in having to wipe his drool off of you for the millionth time.

"It's cute."

"No, it's gross."

You chuckled again, and he released your waist, kissing you gently on one cheek and walking out to your livingroom. You finished your cooking and soon brought it out to him. He smiled contentedly at the sight and smell, licking his lips as he lifted his fork. He took his first bite and sighed blissfully, as with any meal that had something he liked.

"Delicious, Dearest. Absolutely amazing." He took another bite, then sat his plate aside and moved closer to you. He wrapped his arms around one of yours and rubbed his cheek against your shoulder. "Thank you, Darling. You take such good care of me."

"It's nothing Ruru. I do it every day." At that, you reached behind his ear again. He made an effort to fight you off, one of his hands reaching for yours, but the moment you started scratching again, he melted. All sounds of opposition were reduced to pleased hums. When you stopped and he had to wipe your shirt off again, growling angrily, he huffed at you.

"Yucky. No more of that." He acted dramatically displeased as he shifted away from you and back to his food. You giggled at the sight, which only make his ear twitch in annoyance.

"Love you, Rui."

He made a frustrated noise. "Love you too... jus' not right now..." he muttered, and you chuckled.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now