Too Many Sparkles...

333 6 19

The morning following your performance, you were frustrated to find you had school again. Nevertheless, you got yourself up and around and made your way downstairs, where you waited.

And waited. Surely there would be a knock on your door at some point, right? So you waited until almost the latest possible time you could wait for before you'd be late to school, and yet, nothing.

You sighed and opened your door, looking outside. No Rui.


It was a shock and a half, really. Seeing his gorgeous face yesterday, you were excited to see more of it, even if it was cleaner and less dolled-up. But now, you had nothing. You looked down the street at Rui's house. Maybe... maybe he was just running late too... If you had the time, you'd walk down and check if he was still home, but you were already too late to walk anywhere but school. So you closed your door behind you and that's where you went.

Once you got there, sure enough, Rui and Nene were waiting on your typical bench, while Tsukasa kept his head on a swivel as he looked for you to approach. The moment he saw you, he dashed right at you, making you stop in your tracks and prepare to dodge him if it looked like he was going to plow you over. Instead of that, however, he stopped just in front of you and handed you an envelope, adorning many shades of yellow glitter and even a wax seal. Tsukasa seemed pleased with his handiwork, but all you could think about was the shimmering specks now on your fingers.

You opened it up to find a, also very glittery, invitation to a party at Tsukasa's house for the night after. You turned to the others. "Did you guys get one too?"

They both raised their hands to the sunlight, showing the several, golden specks that reflected the light. You figured.

"Soooo, whaddya say? You'll be there?" Tsukasa asked, wide-eyed with anticipation.

"Well, I don't see why not..."

"Great! I invited tons of people! Saki's friends, Mizuki, An, Kazuni and Hina, Ena, Akito, Toya-"

"You invited Kazuni and Hina?" You interrupted, looking concerned.

"Why, of course I did! They were part of my idol band too, weren't they? I was lucky enough to get their numbers a while ago. I would've invited Yuuki and Kisane too if I had some contact..."

"I can invite Yuuki. As for Kisane..." you sighed, "I don't think anyone has contact..."

"Oh... well, do ask if Yuuki would be willing to join us!"

"Sure, I'll do that now. Hmm, actually, she may still have contact with Kisane!"

You dialed her up quick, only having about 2 minutes before the warning bell would sound. She answered after a couple of rings.

"Hey girlie, what's up?"

"Hey, gotta talk fast because class is starting soon."

"Yeah, that would be helpful considering mine already started and I'm hiding out in the bathroom."

"Oh, you. Anyway, one of my band friends is having a party tomorrow. Supposed to celebrate our show from yesterday. You wanna come?"

"Uh, of course?! I'll likely be pretty late, though. How long is it?"

You looked down at the invitation. "Til 10. You should have plenty of time."

"Right on, I'll be there! Text me the address."

"Sure. Second order of business: do you and Kisane still talk?"

"Well that's an... out of pocket question. We did, but I think she got her number changed recently. Didn't tell me before her old one changed."

"Oh... shoot. Well, if you have any developments on that, feel free to share!"

"Mhm, mhm, anything for Pookie."

You giggled slightly, then flinched at the warning bell. Rui and Nene got their things around and stood from the bench, waiting on you and Tsukasa.

"Alright, I really gotta go now. Byee!"

"Bye, love you! Mwah, mwah!" Yuuki bid before hanging up. You quickly rushed with the others to your locker and then to class.


Another short one (I'm sorry :,((  )

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now