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I was gonna write this earlier but I felt ✨shitty✨

Requested by JewelityPlays



"So, are you coming over? We can play Sonic and eat junk food all night," Rui asked through the phone. You smiled longingly, basically bedridden at the moment due to the pain in your abdomen.

"I wish, but I can't."

"Why not?" You could hear him pouting.

You were about to say you were in pain and probably couldn't walk that far, but then he'd probably come to your house and spoil you rotten.


"Then I'll come over and bring Sonic with me. We can cuddle and take a nap, then play a little aft-"

"No, stay home. I'll be down in a bit."

"Too late, I'm already packing up my switch."

"Rui noooooo."

You heard him open the garage door and sighed in frustration. "Rui don't come overrrr."

"Why, do you sleep naked when I'm not around or something? You can just stay hidden under your blankets, I won't peek."

"No, Rui-"

"Almost there, just hang tight."

Just before the phone hung up, you could hear the sound of your front door echo from both your phone and behind the door to your room. You groaned, tugging your blanket over all but the top of your head. Your door opened, but no footsteps followed for a moment.

"Hm, where's Y/n?" Rui asked cluelessly. "Maybe the tickle monster can find her," he growled inching across your room.


Something about your voice sounded more irritated than fearful. Rui found himself pausing, then sitting at the edge of the bed next to where you were.

"What's wrong Dearest?" One of his hands gently held the side of your head, fingers dipping under the top of your blanket. He pulled it down carefully to see your frowning face.

"I'm on my period and I feel like shit. I didn't wanna come over because I thought I'd just make you feel shitty too," you sighed.

"Is that all? You could've just said so, Darling." His hand ran soothingly down one of your cheeks. "I'll go get us a snack and something to drink, then we can do some of that cuddling. How's that sound?"

As he got up, you reached out and gripped his shirt. "Stay here, you don't have to do everything."

"I'm not. And while I'm downstairs, I'll get you some Tylenol. You're probably having some cramps, hm?" Before you could protest again, he grabbed your hand with both of his and rubbed it with his thumbs. He gave your skin a quick kiss and hurried to the door and down the stairs.

Well, now you were pissed off that he was doing all the work and lonely. You tried to sit up so you could throw a temper tantrum, but the pain came back and you doubled over. You opted to stay there until Rui returned, which wasn't too long after.

He could clearly tell that you were in pain and frowned at you. He sat his load from the kitchen on your nightstand and handed you your Tylenol and water. You took the medicine and stared up at him as he sat your water back with everything else. When his eyes returned to you, he melted.

"C'mere, Darling," he murmured leaning down to hug you. He held you tight, not so much so that it hurt you but more than enough to make you feel loved. He then climbed over you and slid under your blanket, wrapping his arms around you and bringing your head to his chest. He ran his hand down your hair soothingly as you grew tired.



Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now