Family Dinner, the Sequel!

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"And... hm, I think I'll have some fries on the side," your mom finished her order and you watched the waiter scribble it down. As soon as he left, stating he'd have the food out shortly, you felt something small hit the side of your head and fall into your hair. You pulled it out, seeing a straw paper. Rui had a playful grin on his face, holding his straw up towards his face. You fiddled with the paper of your straw, about to shoot it at Rui, when another straw paper beat you to it, hitting him in the nose. He flinched, then looked over at your mom, who wrinkled her nose at him. With your straw already open, you slid it into your drink, not bothering to shoot anyone with it.

"So, Rui, I wanna get to know you. Anywhere you suggest I start?" Your mom asked, and Rui shook his head as he took a quick sip of his drink.

"Anywhere's fine. Whatever you wanna know."

"In that case, what's your favorite part of my daughter?"

You nearly choked on your drink, about to scold her when Rui spoke.

"Her eyes," he said warmly, and when you looked at him, you found he was already looking at you. The reverence in his gaze was enough to make you shield your eyes with your hand and take another sip of your drink. The two laughed.

"Awe, c'mon honey, you do have lovely eyes!" Your mother reassured, gently running her knuckle down your hand to soothe you. She then turned back to Rui. "I don't actually care what you say, unless it's her chest or something."


She chuckled quietly. "As for real questions, do you have any hobbies?"

"Well, I'm actually a part of a young Sekai right now, so really anything that comes with that could be considered a hobby."

"Ah, I see. No wonder why Y/n likes you." She took a quick sip of her drink, then folded her hands. "Anything else?"

"I do a bit of engineering and inventing. Mostly robots to aid our shows in some ways. Sometimes they're for other things."

"I see, I see, sounds fun. Would you mind if I barrage you with a bunch of really shallow questions?"

"Not at all."

"Favorite color?"

"Purple or burgundy."







"Ok, let's get less shallow. Storyline trope?"

"Enemies to lovers or stalker x stalker. Especially if it's slow burn."

"Ooh, I like your tastes. Favorite Avenger?"

"I couldn't choose. It'd have to be between Iron Man or Thor."

"Y/n loves Thor! And I think that Iron Man sure adds some nice eye candy to the series."

The conversation between Rui and your mother carried on for a couple minutes until your food arrived. You looked at the tasty dish in front of you and could feel your mouth start watering.

"Mm, this is amazing!" Your mom hummed, chewing on one of her favorite meals: steak. Favorite might've even been an understatement. She was an absolute steak fiend.

"It looks it," Rui agreed, watching her cut another piece for herself. She stabbed it with her fork and held it out to him.

"Try some!"

Even with her fork only a few inches from Rui's face, he reached up and took the piece off with his fingers, popping it into his mouth. You watched his face melt into one of satisfaction.

"Makes me nearly regret my order."

"How about you, Y/n? Is it as good as always?"

You ate a bite of your favorite food, nearly ascending to heaven at the taste. So perfect. It always reminded you why this was your favorite restaurant.


The three of you ate for a while longer, until everyone finished their food. You were all pretty satisfied, and the waiter soon came over to take your plates.

"Would you like any dessert, ma'am?"

"Actually, yes!" Your mom responded, grabbing the dessert menu from the middle of the table. She flipped a page in and found something she liked pointing to it and showing the waiter. He nodded and went back to the kitchen.

"What'd you get?" You asked.

"Something I know you'll like," she smiled. You waited patiently for dessert to arrive, listening to your mom all but interrogate Rui some more. Eventually, the waiter returned with the bill and a round, shiny cake on a small plate. Not just any cake though. A lava cake.

"Go on, you two, take what you want of it!" Your mother shoved the plate to the middle of the table, and you sliced into the round cake with your fork, watching the filling in the middle drip out. You grabbed your slices then passed it to Rui to get his. Once he had his, your mom took the whole plate it sat on and placed it on top of her empty dinner plate, digging into what was left.

You didn't have lava cake often, and this was nothing shy of perfect. It outdid every other dessert you'd had for at least the last 3 months.

Once you all had finished your dessert, your mom looked over the bill. She nodded, setting it on the table and opening her wristlet. She grabbed a 10 from it and slid it under her drink cup, setting her bag on the table and standing.

"I'm gonna go to the restroom quick, then we can go."

As she left the table, Rui reached over to the 10 she'd left, grabbing it and sliding it out. You looked at him, and he gave you a secretive look, placing a finger over his lips and winking at you. He then took your mom's wristlet and slid her money back in, setting it where he'd found it. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his own 10, sliding it under her cup where she had had hers. You shook your head at his proud look.

Your mother soon returned, grabbing her wristlet off the table and sliding it over her hand, grabbing the check after doing so. "Shall we go, kids?"

"We shall," Rui agreed, standing and waiting for you to follow your mom.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now