Weak Point

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The song seemed to surround you as you played it, and your heart fluttered at every note from Rui's violin. From where you sat at the piano and where he stood, just barely leaning on it, you could see how intently focused he was on playing. Of course, that'd never be enough to outweigh his gentle expression; his soft smile and pink-dusted cheeks. As the song ended, you played your last few notes as Rui sat his instrument on top of the piano. As soon as your hands were off the keys, he was sitting down next to you.

"Y/n." He wrapped his arms around you, stuffing his face into your chest. He was so in love with you, so unbelievably much. He fought the urge to confess whole-heartedly. Unfortunately, it just wasn't time. Not yet. Not now.


The fluttering in his heart was too much. He had to calm down. He had to get it to stop. How? How, how, how, how-?

You lifted his head from your chest with your gentle, angelic hands and looked at him with those eyes he loved so much. He could see the whole galaxy in them. He was starting to get nauseous.

When you kissed him, right then and there, that was when he snapped. A loud whine fell into your mouth and he squeezed you, tightly. He pressed himself as close as he could to you. Such near harshness contrasted greatly to how softly you were holding him in return. So nice, so ethereal, so perfect.

You were so careful with him. It was hard to believe that was you provoking him so vulgarly back at home. It was hard to believe you were ever the one to work him up so much with harsh bites to his neck that he passed out. It was hard to believe you were the one who'd spent more time with him than anyone else, selfishly, knowing Tsukasa would be crushed. And yet all of it, you, you, you. Perfect you.

He was dizzy again. It felt like it was going to happen again. He was going to pass out. Please, just calm down. I don't want this to end...

"Rui," you got his attention, gorgeous eyes concerned, as you pulled away from his lips. He could feel himself follow, hoping to taste you more, but knew leaning too much would be bad. He was sure he'd lose his balance and fall over, as dazed as he was now.

"Are you alright?" Your hand cupped his cheek, and he smiled and reached for it.

"I won't be if you keep doing that."

"Doing what?" He could see you tense at the idea of hurting him. Always so careful with him...

He let himself fall into your chest, lightly so you wouldn't go toppling down too. You panicked, holding his head with both hands and frantically asking what was wrong.

"Let's go home."

"But we haven't even danced yet."

"Another time. I doubt I could even stand right now."

And so, you went back to your house, and laid Rui down on your couch, feeling how he was absolutely roasting. Like you had last time he passed out, as you were sure would've happened if you hadn't stopped, you grabbed an ice pack and sat it on his forehead. You also grabbed his water bottle and helped him get a sip. Of course, that didn't seem to help his condition at all, so you opted to letting him drink his water by himself.

"Are you okay?" You were clearly feeling guilty, as you had when he'd passed out before. Your furrowed brows and continued sweet gaze on him made him sure.

"Mhm," he hummed, sounding perfectly content. It was obvious he wasn't, but he'd stopped trembling and swaying.

You climbed on top of him, slipping into his arms and resting your face in his chest. "'M sorry..."

"Y/n, do you want me to melt?" He chuckled. You apologized again and went to get up, but he pulled you back down. It was worth it. It was worth it if he lost conciousness again. "C'mere."

You lifted your head, sliding closer to his face. He held your chin and continued to kiss you where you'd left off at Phoenix Wonderland. Passionately, and softly. So gentle with him... he was going to get nauseous again. You were truly and undoubtedly the definition of anything that was sickeningly sweet.

No doubt you were sweeter on the inside. That was the only thought he had that prompted him to slide his tongue into your mouth. Slowly, cautiously. He had to, because if you told him to stop he might just cry.

You didn't. In fact, you did the same, and his breathing spiked. So sweet. So, so, so sweet he thought he'd for sure melt if you did anything more. A quiet hum, a hand on his cheek... anything and it'd be game over. Lights out.

But you did the opposite. You pulled away, concern lining your face once more. A shiny line of saliva trailed from your lip to his. Everything went blurry.

"Ru-" He didn't want to hear it. He knew his name, and it was more than he could ever ask for that you knew it too. And you constantly said it with such warm, smooth love for him every time. That was why he worshipped you. That and so many uncountable other things.

He pushed your head back down to his, kissing you roughly. He was holding you impossibly close, feeling how his boiling, burning skin was even turning yours warm. When you started to press against him yourself, however, his hands felt almost obsolete. Of course, you and all your perfection, of course you could read his mind.

He had no idea, not a single thought, of just how loud he was being. His breathy sounds filled the room as much as they did your mouth. It reminded you just how little you had to suppress your own quiet sounds. It was just the two of you. And he clearly had no problem with volume.

You pulled away again, and this time he didn't argue. You caught your breath quickly and kissed his lips again, for a short moment. Your perfect, perfect lips trailed from his down to his neck, and he became giddy with excitement. The sight of the dark blue bruises you'd left on his neck months ago flashed through his head, and it took all he had not to start writhing in anticipation. His eyes widened and filled with stars, and his mouth formed into a grin. His erratic breathing began to mix with timid, happy laughter. It made you smile.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now