A Lovely Little Night

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[Bro, Tsukasa rival arc is heating tf up 9 chapters from here 🤯]

"Y/n! Do you think you can hang out on Sunday? Nene and I wanted to go on a shopping trip!" Emu called out to you as everyone said their goodbyes to each other.

"Aha, yes, I should be free. Just text me the time and I'll be there."

The two girls then left happily, soon being replaced by Tsukasa.

"Y/n, I'm so excited to have you preforming with us!"

"Heh, it's euphoric for you, huh? I'm pretty happy myself."

"Say, I was wondering... and I know you don't know me that well, but would you wanna go hang out somewhere tomorrow or Sunday?"

"Ah, I wish I could, but Rui, Emu, and Nene pretty much booked this weekend out for me. We could try sometime after school next week, though."

"Hm, right, I see. That's alright. Next week it is!"

"Have a good weekend, Tsukasa." You bid farewell.

"And you as well, Y/n-san!"

And even as Tsukasa told himself that you probably knew Rui about as well as him, or Emu, or Nene, something still gnawed at him. This feeling that he was missing out on something terrible, that maybe you and Rui were just a little more than what you led on. The thought of his friend having his way with you behind closed doors nauseated him.

"Tsukasa, you don't look too well. Are you upset that you won't be seeing Y/n this weekend?" Miku stepped over to him, now that it was just the two of them in the theater.

As much as he wanted to brush it off, say he wasn't and return home with a smile, he still felt sick.

"Yeah, I guess I am. I mean, it won't be that long until Monday. I'll get over it."

"That doesn't seem like all there is to it."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean to say, I think you may be a bit jealous."

"Of Rui? Of course not!"

Miku frowned. "I never said of Rui."


"Hey, Mom?"

"Yes, honey?" Your mother stood by the counter next to the stove, preparing what was soon to be your dinner.

"Do you think I could have a friend over?"

She immediately gave you a sly look. "Is this 'friend' that new boy you've been talking to?"

You groaned. "Yes, it is."

"Oh, I know. 'Mom, ew, stop! We're not a couple!' Then BAM, he's kissing you and his lips taste like strawberries-!"


Your mom laughed playfully. "Okay, okay, too far. You look about half sunburnt with a face like that!"

You rubbed your hands over your reddened cheeks in an attempt to cool them.

"To answer your question, yes. He can stay over. I'll be sure to make some more dinner. Oh, and make sure he knows the no leftovers rule!"

"Will do!" You happily ran back up to your room, grabbing your phone. As you were about to text him, you came to the conclusion that calling would just be easier, and rung him up.

"Y/n! I'm packing my bag now, I should be down soon."

"Okay, make sure you come hungry. My mom's making extra dinner for you."

"My, how sweet of her. I'll be honest, I was just going to microwave a couple pizza rolls and call it supper." You could hear a few zipper sounds through the phone.

Well, now you get to have chicken. And trust me, no one cooks chicken better than my mom's."

"Ah, your house just has all the best stuff, doesn't it? A great chef, good food, a cat... and you, of course."

You warmed at that, hand cupping one of your cheeks. There was no way you were just gonna let him get away with that.

"W-well, there'll be another great thing here in a couple minutes. Hint, hint, it's tall and has purple hair."

"Your dad!"

You shook your head at your failed attempt at flirting back. "Do I look like I was made by a man with purple hair?"

There was a pause, and you swore you could hear a faint sigh, as if he'd been holding his breath. "Darn, guess I got it wrong. Could I have another hint?"

"Maybe when you get here. Anyway, I gotta make sure I have everything ready. See you in a few, Kamishiro."

"That you will, L/n."

Once the phone was hung up, you went around your room, cleaning up from short bits of laziness. You weren't one to have a tornado aftermath of a room, in fact you were pretty organized, but sometimes you really didn't have the motivation to try as hard.

Once everything was cleaned and Lucky was fed, you deemed your room fit for a sleepover and headed downstairs. At the perfect time too, you found as your phone buzzed with a message from Rui, saying he had just left his house.

"Alright, he should be here any minute. He lives just up the street after all."

"Ah, really?!" Your mom gasped, then ran to the front door, throwing it open and leaning out.

"Mom, don't-!"

"Hi Y/n's friend!~" your mom sang as she waved, you walked out behind her, watching as Rui bashfully waved back as he walked down the sidewalk. "What's his name, dear?"


As your friend reached the doorstep, your mother clasped her hands together happily. "Rui! So nice to meet you. I'm Y/n's mom, feel free to call me Heather!"  [milf name fr]

"I see Y/n already gave you my name. It's nice to meet you too."

"Come in, come in, supper's almost ready!"

Rui followed you in, setting his shoes by the door, where you instructed. You watched his face as he curiously searched every inch of floor he could see from where he stood.

"Lucky's upstairs," you commented, upon realizing what he'd been looking for. "Speaking of which, I'll take your bag up to my room for you."

"Ah, thank you."

"So, Rui, ya like chicken?"

"I certainly don't dislike it. I hear yours is unmatched."

"Oh, please! Unmatched is an understatement!" Once she'd finished her sentence, your mother's demeanor quickly changed. She sat down her fork and rounded the corner to look up the stairs you'd gone up. When she didn't hear anything, she walked over to Rui with her arms crossed and leaned against the wall, mischievous smile on her face.

"Rui, I got a question for you."

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now