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We question nothin folks we question nothin

"It's okay, it's okay!" You laughed insistently. "No one's ever perfect their first time. Trust me, you'll get there!"

He made a sort of shakey hum, face stern with focus as he nibbled on his bottom lip. Your hand gently caressed the back of his neck and up into his purple locks in a soothing but sensual way. It wasn't helping how he trembled.

"You're doing good! Maybe you can press in a little closer?" You helped him do just that, guiding him. As he started to really see his work, significantly better than the mess he had made before, he was able to relax his face a little, brows still furrowed as he tried to give a small smile.

"'S good..." he murmured. You let out a light, adoring chuckle, watching for yourself at what he was becoming proud of. You nodded, hand on his neck massaging lightly and endearingly.

"Mhm, very good. You're doing a lovely job, Dear."

He made uneasy noises as he continued, especially when something unexpected would happen or something wouldn't go his way. But with your constant reassurance, he was able to push through. He couldn't give up. Not when it was you.

"C'mon, you're almost there, Honey! Just keep going, you're doing so good!"

He made a noise of desperation because, yes, he was so close. If he just didn't screw up now, he'd make it. He'd make you and himself proud. A new skill he never would've thought of learning before you.

"Annnnnnd there! You did it, Rui!"

At that, he sighed heavily to rid his lungs of the breath he'd been holding too long and tossed the icing bag onto the table. He leaned back in his chair, clearly relieved. Meanwhile, you bent down to give him a hug, nuzzling against him with a few more praises.

When you pulled away, you both looked at his work. A cake, now beautifully decorated. It'd only taken an hour, but he'd just finished one of the hardest parts. You span it around for him to see.

"It's perfect, Ruru. I can't wait to have some!"

"Me neither. It'd better be tasty," he mumbled. You gave a light chuckle, then slid into his lap, wrapping your arms around him. "Thanks for basically making the flowers for me. I would've totally botched them."

"I think you would've found a good way to improvise. Anyway, you're welcome." At that, you leaned back towards the table, grabbing the icing he'd just sat down. You squeezed a glob out onto one of your fingers and dabbed it on his nose, making a 'boop' sound.

He gave you a sort of awkward smile, then scooped the sweetness off his nose and smeared it across one of your cheeks. You laughed about it being gross and sticky, but you paused when he brought your face over to his and carefully licked what he could of the icing off of you.


He continued licking as much as he could get off your cheek, leaving warm wet trails that quickly cooled against your skin.

"Rui, cut that out...!

He sucked on the bits lining your chin, then looked at you with a smile. An almost proud one.

"Are you happy now?" You sighed lovingly, shaking your head. "Now my cheek's gonna be extra sticky."

"No it won't. My tongue's cleaner than a dog's!"

"Not for long," you mused, pressing the icing bag to his lips and squeezing a good bit out, despite his protesting gaze.

Rather than trying to swallow it, however, he stayed with his mouth open for a moment, then quickly leaned forward to meet with your lips. You felt him press half of the icing into your mouth. Mixed with the sweetness was the familiar taste of your boyfriend.

Oh how you love him.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now