A View to the Other Side

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"Y/n? What're you doing alone?"

You jumped at the sound of Emu's voice, sighing once the shock wore off.

"Ah, I was just about to get myself ready for the visito-" You turned around to find a group of kids and what you assumed were their parents, all standing behind Emu. Your voice caught in your throat, and you stopped breathing for a moment. "O-oh... Hello everyone...!"

Immediately, several kids cheered out your name. Others murmured amongst themselves, the parents included.

"Yes, everyone! This is our lovely guest for this show, Y/n L/n!"

You gave a wave, suddenly finding it hard to speak. It... it had been longer than you realized since all of this last happened. Emu seemed to sense your discomfort and quickly began to usher the others out.

"C'mon, now, Y/n's just a very small part of the park today! If we go looking, we may be able to find Miku or Kaito! Won't that be fun?"

"Ah, Miss Emu?" A girl, seeming to be only a few years younger than you, spoke up.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, I was just wondering... if I could ask Y/n-san a question or two?"

Emu turned to her group, where adults were ushering their children out. No one seemed to have noticed the girl staying behind. Emu then turned to you, and with a soft smile, you nodded.

"I suppose you can, just don't go around telling your friends, okay?"

"Of course not."

"And you'll probably miss a bunch of the tour spots."

"That's alright, it's not my first time here."

"Oki doki, then! Have fun!" With that, Emu trotted off to rejoin her tour group.

Now being alone with her, you turned to the girl, looking down at her from the stage. You then smiled and held out a hand to her.

"You want up?"

With a smile of her own, she took your hand and climbed up onto the stage.

"So, what's your name?" You asked cheerfully.


"Oh, that's my mom's middle name!" You giggled. "Anyway, you said you had some questions?"

"Well... I guess I really just wanted to talk to you. It's... different, seeing you like this. A clean face, unbrushed hair... n-not that you look bad or anything! Somehow you always seem to look stunning."

You flustered, looking away with a bashful laugh. "Oh, come now, no need for exaggeration..."

"You seem so much... realer. I guess maybe the makeup and the costume are like a barrier, y'know? But like this, it feels like you're human. Like I could be your friend if the circumstances were a little more fitting. After all, you're friends with the Wondershow-ers, yeah? How hard could it be to make a friend of you the way I would anyone else?"

You smiled. "That's just the thing. It can feel dehumanizing being up here behind all the mascara and ribbons. But you feel so alive in a way that isn't human. Like you're transcending just as much as you're not. It's a hard sensation to explain..."

"Does it ever... not feel good, to be up here?"

"Well, naturally. Any career or hobby has its ups and downs."

"Have you ever regretted going on stage?"

"A time or two, yes, of course."

Eleanor looked away, stuffing her hands into the pockets of her hoodie. "I guess I had more questions than I realized..."

"Well, you're not holding me up from anything. I don't mind."

"But... weren't you about to go get ready when we showed up?"

"Aha, well... ah, it's not that important quite yet."

She laughed, looking at you with a gaze that felt familiar. All too familiar.

"You're really great, Y/n. I don't mean to flatter you or exaggerate. It's simply that I've always seen you as something amazing. Something beautiful and... and strong and resilient."

"Oh dear, don't go saying all that, now!"

"It's just... you're like my childhood superhero, y'know? Like proof that maybe wishing on shooting stars will work out. Your life just seems so magical and full of whimsy. It makes me wonder if I could live that way."

You thought about it for a moment. No. Life's messy, yours included. It could've been magical. It was once. But not anymore. Not since the group of amazing friends that you once had turned to hate each other, and you ruined what you had with the first person you'd genuinely loved romantically.

"It's..." you held your breath slightly to keep from sighing. "Yeah. It's just like that sometimes."

Once again, you felt a presence, the sensation of eyes looking at you in amazement. Turning to the audience area, you found Nene with a similar group to Emu's. Another tour.

"Y/n? And... a fan, I presume?"

"A-a friend." You spoke quickly, not wanting anyone else to think they can have the same privilege as Eleanor. Nene waved politely, then addressed the tourists and explained the stage.

"I should get going. I'm hoping to get a bite to eat and maybe play some games before the show. Thank you, Y/n-san."

"Ah, you're welcome, Eleanor!" You smiled, though you could feel yourself instinctually smile wider than the normal for the sake of appearances. "Have fun while you're here, and enjoy the show!"

You watched her walk out, then turned on your heel and walked back to your dressing room, albeit a bit too fast to not be suspicious. Once there, you sat in front of your mirror, looking into it.

Your unkempt hair and overly clean and natural face. It made you... real?

You grabbed your eye liner and started applying it carefully to your lids. You looked at yourself once it was done, just a few subtle lines. The person in the mirror wasn't the same.

You couldn't tell if she was happier this way, or just numb. For the sake of the show, you had to hope it was the former.

You took a deep breath and continued with your makeup and brushing your hair. Once you were done, you couldn't help but smile at the mirror. You didn't know if it was truly out of happiness, but you'd grown used to giving yourself that dream-catching smile the children wished for everytime you left from your mirror.

Maybe one of these times, it'll inspire you like it does them.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now