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"What is with everyone? No, I don't 'totally like him.' Maybe I talk about him a lot, and maybe I use words that make it seem like I'm attracted to him, but it's not like that." You huffed, crossing your arms. "He's a great friend. Why would I ever wanna complicate that?"

Nene frowned, reaching for her phone while Emu gave you a disappointed look. "Do you really mean that? I mean, just think about how you were fawning over him just a second ago!"

"That wasn't 'I'm in love with him' fawning. That was platonic admiration. He has good qualities. I wish I could talk about them without being accused of it being something more."

"Who else is accusing you? Yuuki?"

"My mom," you groaned.

Nene, hearing this, paused her frantic typing to deadpan at you, once again. She then returned. deleting a good bit and retyping it.

"Who are you texting?" Emu asked curiously.


"Lilac?" You tilted your head.

"A friend of ours," was all Emu said to explain, before crawling up to Nene's side and reading what she had wrote.

"Oooook?" Meanwhile, as Nene continued typing and Emu pointed out minor typos, your phone buzzed. You looked at the notification as another came in. Tsukasa.

Y/n-san!! I've been thinking about having you over this week and wanted to ask you something!
Are you free tomorrow?

You looked at the messages curiously, trying to think. Rui had asked to take you out tomorrow. Well, he'd asked about Thursday too, and nothing was set in stone yet...


I am! What're the plans?

After all, with all this talk of you being in love with Rui, maybe it wasn't the best idea to spend so much time with him. That pained you to think, but there was logic to it.

How about you ride the bus home with me after school?


Sure! I'll meet you out front?

Sounds good!

"Oh, sorry, Y/n, this has probably been boring you. What were we talking about?" Nene asked, setting down her phone. 

"Nothing I wanna go back to." You set down your phone as well, turning to the others. "Wanna paint each other's nails or something?"


Rui stared down at his phone with a troubled expression. On it was a text from Nene.

Don't ask Y/n out tomorrow

Having heard that you were hanging out with them this afternoon, this definitely wasn't a pleasant text to get. He set down his tools, leaving his desk to go sit on his couch.


Abort mission? Why?

Don't get me wrong, she's so in love with you it's cringe worthy

But she doesn't know it yet

One second she's talking about how pretty your voice is and how sweet you are and as soon as we call her out on it, she's friendzoning the hell out of you

Just give us some time to help her see
Maybe by then, you'll already be over her


You're not that lucky

And if she really likes me, don't you think she'll feel it when she finds out I feel the same?

There's supposed to be a meteor shower and I really want her to see it :((

Don't do it

Not yet

We still have Tsukasa to worry about on top of all of this

Let Emu and I work stuff out, then you can do whatever crazy confession stunt you have planned


Fine, fine, I won't ask her out

But she WILL see that meteor shower with me >:((

Rui couldn't help but sigh in disappointment, setting his phone down. Your favorite restaurant has a new delicious-sounding dish that goes away on Wednesday, then he finds the cotton candy he discovered he still had from the carnival, and then he finds out there's supposed to be a meteor shower... It was all lined up. Now the only thing keeping him from you was... well... you.

It sucked, to say the least. Of course, that was life. Spirits dampened significantly, he got up and went back to his desk, where two identical drones sat next to a banner.

He'd find a way to do that good another time. Better, if he could help it.


The bus zoomed off behind you as you stepped onto the familiar sidewalk that lined the front of Kamiyama. Before you stood the three friends you had from this school, smiling happily. They greeted you the same way they did every morning, and you followed suit, walking with them to your locker and around the school. The usual 'did you sleep well?' and 'how about that homework?' passed between the four of you, until it was down to you and Rui. The only thing that went differently this morning was fairly small, yet it seemed to change something vital.

Rui stopped you, just outside of your classroom, eyes wide with excitement. "I found something pretty cool that I wanna tell you about!"

"Really? What is it?"

"So, I know I don't normally tell you about where I plan on taking you, but this is just too good to keep to myself anymore! Tonight I heard there's supposed to be this super cool meteor shower that's gonna last a whole hour, and there's a spot in Phoenix Wonderland where we'll have this amazing vie-!"



"That... that sounds great and all, but I already told Tsukasa I'd be able to go to his house tonight. Sorry."


"I'll be sure to take a look at it though. I'll be thinking of you!" You flashed him a warm smile before heading into your class, meanwhile Rui was left in the hallway, thinking about what you had just said. If he'd been upset last night, it was nothing compared to how he felt now.

It was more than just disappointment. It was an anger, directed to whatever unseen force didn't want him with you. And he was starting to realize now that it was more than just you.

It was Tsukasa too.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now