Weird Dreams

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"Are you comfortable? Don't need any more pillows or anything?"

You lay in the center of something not far from a blanket and pillow nest. At least you wouldn't have to worry about getting cold.

"Uh, yeah. All good."

"Mm, I'm not quite convinced." you heard Rui shift and looked up at him, his face leaning off the couch above yours. "Are you sure you don't need anything?"

"Well, not really. It's just that Lucky's normally here with me when I sleep. It's just kinda... lonely down here..."

"Y/n, if you wanted me to come down and cuddle you to sleep, you should've said so earlier!" Rui purred. It scared you that you couldn't tell if he was teasing or genuine.

"Aha, no, no, that's not it," you laughed it off nervously. 

"Well, I have some plushies. Do you want one?"

You considered it, then nodded. "Sure."

Rui got out from under his blanket and left the couch, walking over to a few plushies he had and skimming through them. "If I had your favorite animal, I'd give you that one, but unfortunately I don't. Is this big orca ok?" He lifted up said plushie, which looked to be about half his height. You nodded happily at the adorable creature, and he brought it over and offered it to you with a smile. He chuckled softly at how quickly it disappeared under your blanket. 


"Mhm, thank you," you mumbled into the soft, black fabric of the orca, and Rui felt the same wave of adoration as he had after he'd dropped all those blankets on you and you'd crawled out from under them all disheveled. He couldn't help but hum happily and pat your head as he laid back down.

"Sweet dreams, Y/n."

But you were already asleep.


The far-away bustling of Pheonix Wonderland filled your ears, and you looked over the fond and familiar lights from the top of the ferris wheel. In a moment of recognition, you looked to your left. Low and behold, there's the love of your life looking back at you, silhouetted against the sunset the same way he had the night of your first kiss.

"My, it sure is taking a while. I wonder if we're stuck up here," he chirped, looking off the edge.

You didn't know what to do, what to say. What was happening? You and Rui were... dating? Why was the ferris wheel taking so long?

"Darling? Is everything alright?"

"...Should I kiss you again?" You caught yourself asking. The question had barely processed through your mind before it'd tumbled from your lips.

Rui smiled, slightly tilting his head. "Why not? Go ahead."

You felt that familiar snare in your chest, tugging you towards Rui, looking him in his beautiful amber eyes as you leaned over. Something was different this time. Everything seemed to move slower, and there was a screaming in the back of your mind, willing it.

'Slow down. Savor this. Make it worth your while.'

An odd feeling overcame you, as if you were no longer one with your own body, yet willing it on. Forcing yourself to go slow, even while feeling as if you were outside.

Your hand found itself on Rui's knee, remaining there for a moment, then running up the length of his thigh, to his hip, and around his waist. You stopped there, planting your hand on the cool metal of the cart to stabilize yourself, whilst your other hand found purchase on his shoulder.

You felt his own warm hands trail up your sides, wrapping around you to pull you closer. His eyes stared right into your soul, smile growing as the scene progressed. Only when you were close enough to feel his breath against your lips did you pause, and Rui's eyes narrowed.

"Don't tease me, Dear."

In a millisecond, time sped back up, and he closed the space between the two of you, one of his hands removing itself from your back to hold your cheek.

This was different. It wasn't like the first time you'd kissed on this ferris wheel. It'd been a gentle breath of a kiss back then, easily mistakable for a gust of wind had you not had your eyes open the moments leading up to it. Now, suddenly, this one was rougher. More passionate, nearly lung-draining, as if a part of Rui wanted to suffocate you.

The hand on your cheek prevented you from any sort of escape, left you to count down the moments of air you had left, until Rui pulled away with a sigh. You gasped quietly as well, only for a moment, before his lips were back on yours, even rougher than before. You returned it, until your lungs started to ache with emptiness, and you pushed on his chest.

"Rui-" you tried, only to have another short kiss placed on your lips to interrupt you, before they trailed to your jaw, and slowly down your neck. Your face heated, and the situation suddenly became so much more real. Small noises fell from your lips as Rui turned the tables, leaning you back and holding on from on top of you. Both your hands now held his shoulders tightly, eyes wide and face red.

"Rui- hah..."

His mouth kissed and licked up every inch of your neck, and he pulled the hem of your shirt to the side to reach down your shoulder and collar bone, nibbling lightly.


"Mm, Y/n? Did you say something?"

Your eyes snapped open to the ceiling of Rui's garage-room. It took a few moments for everything to process through your mind, but once it did, your face was as red as a tomato.

The sound of someone shifting above you prompted you to look up. Your eyes met Rui's, and the feeling you had didn't get any better.

"Ah, you are awake. Are you alright? I thought I heard you say something."

"I-I'm fine," you spoke, voice cracking tiredly. Rui's eyes looked over your face in something akin to curiosity.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah," you responded as you kicked off a few of your many layers of blankets, feeling as if you were overheating. "Just a... weird dream."

"Was it perhaps weird because I was in it?" Rui inquired playfully, cat smiling at you. Said smile only grew when he saw how you reacted, somewhat faded blush fully returning.


"Oh, and here I thought it was my name I heard you saying. A bit narcissistic of me..."

You didn't know what to say. Had you been talking in your sleep, that would've most definitely been what you'd said. You didn't know if you should admit he had been there or play it off.

You rubbed your eyes, barely being able to keep them open.

"If you aren't too tired, do you want to talk about it?"

"I'm... I'm pretty tired," you sighed. "But, you were in it, if that staves off some curiosity. You're just not why it was weird."

It wasn't a complete lie. There were many other weird things that existed in that dream. And everything you'd felt and done wasn't exactly something you'd classify as 'weird' per say.

"Ah, that's fun. I dream about you too sometimes."

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now