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WHAT anime characters can GROW? UP? CRAYCRAYY

Yuh anyways I made a bunch of WxS future headcanons :3


• Grew up to be an internationally known song artist and famous Japanese actor.
• Has a new band with a few friends from acting school, but he'll never forget the old friends that got him this far <3
• Met up with everyone at Wonderland Sekai when he got his first gig (cried). From then on it was a trend that any new offer he or anyone else got was to be announced to the others at the sekai.

• Inherited her family's wealth, as well as Phoenix Wonderland, following her parents' passing.
• Got asked once or twice by the others why she didn't try to reach for anything more in life, but she stated clearly that she had her friends and her favorite place in the world. What else could she want?
• If you hc her and Nene together, they got married and live together, settling down in their hometown for good. Maybe a dog/cat or two as well.

• Became a part-time lawyer. Def looks good in a suit.
• Her other jobs? She still acts with Emu in Phoenix Wonderland, of course. And she finally took up her voice acting side hustle, and is pretty well-known for voicing various famous characters in animes.
•And, as stated with Emu's, if you hc the two of them together, they moved in, settled down, yadda yadda

• With his degree in engineering and love for the stars (which someone else shares) he became a space engineer working on developing a moon base.
• Potential astronaut a few years down the road. He showed considerable interest in being one of the engineers to maintain the moon base by living in it. Of course, such would only be possible with a certain companion joining him.
• And since you've probably been waiting for it, he got married to the love of his life and moved in with her and got a cat (and if she wants she may have a child on the way)

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