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I NEED MORE RUI KISSES SO IM WRITING RUI KISSES (still working on requests for those of you that are waiting 😋)


You cringed at the wet smack of Rui's lips on your cheek. He chuckled mischievously as you wiped your hand over the spot.

"Stoppit, I'm almost done," you sighed, continuing to type your essay for class the next day. Rui, rather than heeding your words, wrapped his arms further around your waist, bringing his face closer to your shoulder. You could feel his smile against you.

"What's got you so clingy?"

"You being a meany and ignoring me."

One of your hands left your keyboard, rising to scratch at his head. "I'm just trying to focus, Love. I am almost done. Then we can cuddle or something."



"You're so mean," he whined, pulling you closer. Your hand returned to typing so you could finish quicker. "You like my kisses, don't pretend you don't."

"Stop talking like that, weirdo."

"I'm your weirdo," he sang, followed by a small laugh. He kissed your neck, then your jaw, then brought his head back down. "What, does me talking about kissing you make you flustered?"

Yep. But you didn't admit that outloud. Instead, you huffed quietly, hoping to cool your warm face.

"Haha, seems it makes you speechless. Hm? Too much for you?" He hummed as his lips passed your ear, going for your cheek again. He littered the skin with kisses, feeling how you warmed. "Ah, how did I know? Look at how red your face is getting!"

You lifted one of your hands to his face, softly pushing him away. It backfired, because he only grabbed your hand and continued his kissing crusade on it. You tried pulling away, the feeling making your butterflies flutter a bit too hard, but he held tight, bringing your hand to his cheek once he'd made sure to kiss every inch of skin on it.

He looked over at your screen where you'd stopped your typing. He smiled. "Are you finally done?"

"N-no, I just... lost my train of thought."

He gave a knowing chuckle, nuzzling into your hand. "Do you need this back? Or will you be able to finish with one hand?"

"I can, it'll just take longer."

"Hm, then I'd better let go," he hummed, almost sadly, as he released your hand. He returned to hugging your waist, though he leaned closer and pressed his chest to yours. As you continued typing, he shifted closer and closer, until he was, quite literally, sitting in your lap. He was a bit heavy on your legs, and warm enough to make you sweat, so you finished your essay as quickly as you could. He seemed to know exactly when you were done, pulling you closer and nuzzling into your neck.

"C'mon, let's go," you poked him in the ribs, making him lean to the side. He smiled as he got off of you and picked you up before you were fully on your feet. He giddily ran you to your bed, tossing you down and crawling on top of you. He pressed his full weight onto you, snuggling in.


You swore he kicked his feet happily, huffing out a giggle. Then, he lifted his head up and picked up where he left off, kissing all across your face. You whined nudging him away, but he persisted once again.

"Rui, gimme a minute to breathe...!"

"If I didn't want you to breathe, I'd be kissing you on the lips, Y/n Darling!"


"C'mere," he purred, holding one of your cheeks as he placed his lips on yours. His kisses were gentle, as if he was teasing you, but they left you breathless nonetheless.

"Cut it out..." you whined in between his kisses, pushing on his shoulders.

"Not until I smother you~!" He sang, loving how red your face was getting and how close he had you. He needed revenge for how you'd kept all your attention on your essay and not on him. If you hadn't procrastinated on it so much, you wouldn't be in this situation... but mentioning that would only make him a hypocrite.

Eventually, you gave up your rebellion against his affection and just tried to stifle your embarrassment. He would let out a small chuckle at each shakey sigh and whimper from you. Soon, he brought himself to a stop, not because he was done but because he was sure one more kiss would melt you. He looked down at you lovingly, his reverent smile on his face.

After a moment of staring back at his warm gaze, you brought a hand up to your tomato-red face. "Are you... done?"

"For now." He nuzzled his face against your shoulder, rolling to lay at your side so you could cool off a bit. "Wanna make sure you don't burn to a crisp. You okay?"

You nodded sheepishly, face still hot. Rui had settled in comfortably next to you, looking as if he was on the verge of sleep. You took a moment to reach for the fan on your nightstand and turn it on. That made Rui laugh to himself, cupping one of your cheeks and kissing the other. He nuzzled his head into the nape of your neck, his hand lowering to your shoulder. He stayed like that as you both drifted off into a soft nap.


He's so scrimblymipy, so scrunkly, so bbg 😭😭💍❤❤❤

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now