Still Fulfilled

396 19 32

You realized, when you got home, just how often it felt like you were taking care of Rui. Cooling him off when he overheats, making him supper, and now treating his injuries. Most of them were bruises, thank goodness, but there were a few cuts where small beads of blood collected.

"Maybe we should keep the backstage more organized."

"Don't try to sugarcoat this for me," he shook his head. "I need to keep the backstage more organized. And after this, I will."

"I meant we as in I'd help, but if you'd rather do this on your own..."

"No need to burden yourself. You do that enough."

You cut the tabs of one of your bandaids so it'd wrap around his cut better, then held up the scissors as you rested your hand on your hip. "Would you rather me leave you high and dry?"


"Mm, sure. Because you can definitely take care of yourself without me."

As soon as you'd sat your scissors down and started cleaning up, his arms wrapped around you and pulled you to him. You paused in surprise for a moment, then sat yourself in his lap and returned his embrace. He winced.

"Ow. Bruise." He shifted his leg, hoping to ease some of the pain. You ran your hand down his head.

"You'll be fine." But even as you said that, you shifted so you'd press less against the spot. How did you always manage to do this to him? You always made him feel butterflies like never before. He hugged you tighter.

Maybe this wasn't it. Maybe his confession to you didn't have to be extravagant and colorful. Sure, it'd put the sparkler drones and banner to waste, but they were probably broken after the tumble earlier anyway. Maybe he didn't have to take you to the Wonderstage, kiss you during the sunset and pick confetti out of your hair as you both laughed. It could just be like this, him holding you while you take care of him and play with his hair. There was no reason everything had to be the way he'd originally planned. It could all still be magical just like this.

"C'mon, get up. It's bedtime."

You left him and stretched, making for the stairs. He grabbed your hands from where you had them extended over your head and held them, turning you back towards him. You paused, then smiled, looking up at him.


"Do you wanna know what the surprise was?"

"Depends. Can I get it in all its glory later?"

Rui thought for a moment. He didn't want to go through setting up his big celebration all over again. "No."

"Darn. Fine, what is it?"

He smiled, tugged your hands towards the stairs and led you up to your room. You followed with silent curiosity. He took you inside, closing the door behind him, then brought you over to your bed, sitting on it's edge.

He continued to hold your hands gently, and your face was starting to grow warm. He looked into your eyes for a few moments, then leaned in and kissed you softly, as soft as he had your first kiss, at the top of that ferris wheel.

"I love you, Y/n. With all my heart."

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now