Honk mimimi

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"Y/n, do you need some help?" Rui asked in a teasing tone as he knocked on the door to your dressing room. No response. He'd probably flustered you to the point of speechlessness. In all seriousness, though, you were taking a while. It wouldn't hee too long until the show started.

"Y/n?" Still nothing. No movement or speech. With a bit of concern, he grabbed the doorknob. "Y/n, I'm coming in, okay?"

Still nothing, even as he opened the door. He walked in, shielding his eyes just in case you were indecent. He peaked through his fingers only to find you in front of your makeup desk, laying on it. He could see your back rise and fall, and maybe even the slightest bit of snoring coming for you. So you were asleep, then. You probably hadn't slept well with all the excitement.

He walked over to your chair. You were in full costume, though your eyeliner was a little smudged from where you had your face rested on your arms. You looked so peaceful, he wished the show wasn't so close to starting. Figuring he could help you out and get you ready, he gently lifted your face from your arms. He wiped off where your makeup was messy with a wet paper towel. His hand found your eyeliner on your desk and carefully drew it back on your eye. Then, he touched up your eyeshadow, mascara, and other things. He straightened up your outfit a bit, trying to prevent wrinkles, then fixed a few loose strands of your hair. When he was all done, he kissed the top of your head, running his hand down it a few times. A knock sounded at your dressing room door.

"Y/n, are you almost ready? We have 10 minutes." Nene. He walked to the door and opened it. "Rui? I wondered where you went. Is Y/n ready?"

He moved out of the way so she could see you and pointed to where you slept. She deadpanned.

"What'd you put her to sleep for?"

"That wasn't me," he spoke faintly, as if after everything his voice would be the thing to wake you. "I found her like that. I made sure she's all good, though."

Just then, you sat up, hands over your head in a long yawn. You reached to rub your eyes, but both Rui and Nene quickly grabbed each of your hands. You paused in surprise, then looked around the room. You jumped.

"Oh no, the show! Are we late?! Did I miss it?!"

"No, but we have less than 10 minutes until we're on," Rui smiled at you. "Did you have a nice nap?"

"Not terrible," you yawned once again.

"Still tired?"

You nodded sleepily, and Rui held up a finger, then left quickly. You sat with Nene, trying to blink away the tiredness, until her returned with a can you were familiar with. He put the energy drink in your hand with a smile. You swirled it around, then took a sip.

"Make sure you finish it quick so it can kick in."

"Ok, thanks."

"Of course," he leaned forward, pecking you on the forehead. Nene fake gagged, making both of you laugh.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now