Vacation Madness

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Later that day, after you'd made it home and begrudgingly finished your homework, you began cooking yourself supper. You planned to have plenty of time to walk to Rui's house after eating so you could catch his group's practice.

You let your mind wonder, feeling a bit bored as you made your food. You thought about what his Sekai would be like. Phoenix Wonderland? Now that was a name.

You wondered what sort of song they used to get there. What songs did they even sing? You were starting to realize just how little you really knew.

Soon, your food was ready, and boy did it smell amazing. It was gone before you knew it. Then, you got ready and made your way down to Rui's house. As you walked down your sidewalk, you pulled out your phone, looking for the message he had sent with his address. You looked over it, seeing just how close it really was. You were about half way there, in fact, you were sure you could see it from your front porch.

You continued over, crossing the street and checking house numbers. When you reached the house and double checked that it matched the message, you knocked softly on the front door. However, you were a bit caught off guard when, a slight moment later, you heard the sound of a garage door opening.

"Y/n! Over here!" You heard Rui call from your side. You turned to see him leaning out of the house's garage, waving you over. Regardless of how weirded out you were about going into his garage, he had yet to show any ill intent. You'd just keep your guard up.

You entered, careful not to step on the piles of miscellaneous items scattered across the floor. Rui closed the door behind you, and when you looked around, something clicked in your mind. This was his room. In the garage of his house.

"Aha, sorry about the mess. I meant to... at least organize it a little before you came over. But then I got sidetracked."

"It's alright. I'll be careful not to step on anything." You carefully evaded everything and found a patch of the floor where you could stand without being on anything.

"Well, um, would you like to sit down?" Rui motioned to a couch along the opposite wall. You could tell from the stacks next to it that he had probably started cleaning there before he got distracted. There was enough of a path to it that you could accept his invite, fortunately.


You sat, hands in your lap and eyes wondering around the unfamiliar room. Rui came to sit next to you after a moment of messing with the work on his desk.

"Are you ready to go?"

You nodded with a hum, smiling. This was actually really exciting.

He pulled his phone and a pair of earbuds out, plugging the cord in before he paused.

"Ah, wait. Will this even work?"

"What do you mean?"

"Listening to the song. Will it take you too?"

"Yes, it should. As long as you will it to. That's how we got Soraru and Mafumafu into our Sekai."

"Oh, I didn't realize they weren't a part of your Sekai." You shook your head.

"Nope. They're still out there, making songs. In fact, I think my pal Yuuki is still in touch with Mafu."

"I'll have to look into them," he stated, pulling up his song while playing with one of the earbuds in his hand. Once he found it, he put in his and handed yours to you. He waited for you to put it in your ear before asking if you were ready. When you nodded, he smiled and put on the song.

Immediately, the music enveloped you, and when the scenery had changed and you opened your eyes, you were met with an impossible amount of colors, all filling you with a youthful joy.

You gasped, looking at the theme park you stood at. Rui swore he could see stars in your eyes.

"Welcome to Phoenix Wonderland, Y/n."

Completely disregarding his words, you pointed to the huge ferris wheel in the distance.

"Do the rides work?"

He nodded, letting out a chuckle. He looked adoringly at how excited you were, all but bouncing off the walls.

"Shall we go to the stage? We could always go on a couple rides after."

"Yeah, let's go!"

Despite not even touching him, you were close enough it practically felt like you were hanging off his arm, being enough to invoke a fluttering feeling in his stomach.

"Ahh, you even have a drop tower!" You squealed, seeing the tall structure in between a few stands as you walked. You couldn't remember the last time you'd been to a amusement park.

"We do, yes." Rui was admittedly a bit nervous that you wouldn't like the stage and performance as much as the rest of the park. "We're nearly there."

"Ooh, will I finally get to meet these friends of yours?" You asked in anticipation. Rui laughed, confirming that you would.

"I should warn you, though. I did talk to them a bit about you and I think they may be a bit nervous to be meeting you. In fact, one of them passed out when I told him I had befriended you."

"Really? Well, I suppose I have some expectations to live up to again," you pulled a peice of hair back anxiously.

"I wouldn't be too worried. They're just excited to meet you, not judge you."

That was a way you'd never heard it put before. Maybe you were worried over nothing? After all, it wouldn't be the first.

When you two reached the stage, welcoming you wasn't unlike welcoming a puppy. A pink-haired girl squealed, a tall blonde looked like he was trying to hold back tears, and two shorter blondes looked at you happily. There was also a green-haired girl among them all who seemed much less interested, merely waving.

"So you're Y/n?" The pink-haired girl asked, clearly giddy to meet you.

"Y-yes, I am! And you are?" You responded shakily. As the group gathered around you, you could feel the buzz of the overwhelming situation.

"I'm Emu Otori! Emu means 'smile!'" She giggled, and you couldn't help but join her. She was adorable. "Oh, oh, and this is Nene Kusanagi!"

"Hi," you waved bashfully at her.

"And they're Kagamine Rin and Kagamine Len!" The two seemingly twin blondes waved happily at you.

Then, when Emu got to the tall blonde, she only made it through the first syllable of his name before he finally worked himself up to speak.

"I-I'm Tsukasa Tenma! It's a dream to meet you, Y/n-san!" He all but yelled. You along with a few of the others recoiled a bit, before you chuckled.

"There's n-no need for honorifics, y'know," you waved your hands dismissively. "You're all free to just call me Y/n."

"But that just wouldn't feel right! I mean, I've... I've idolized you for years!"

"Tsukasa, you're flustering her. Cut it out." Nene spoke up, though still quiet.

"Ah, s-sorry," he lowered his voice, though he was obviously still worked up.

"No need to be so jittery. It's nice to meet you."

"Y-you too!"

"Well, would you like to see around backstage, Y/n?" Rui's smooth voice asked from behind you. You nodded following as he and a few others led you.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now