Aaaaaand Back to Work!

250 7 23

This title is me writing if you even care :3


Yo looked around after leaving your dressing room, finding that, conveniently, Tsukasa and Rui were missing, but Emu and Nene still lingered. You walked up to them with a grin on your face.

"Y/n! You look so happy!" Emu cheered, and even Nene seemed surprised and glad to see such a smile on your face.

"I feel great!" It plagued your mind. You felt great, yes, but you swore you hated being on stage. Now, maybe... 

Maybe it was just them...

"Buuuuut, since the boys are gone, whaddya girls say we get back to work on the mini show?" You leaned towards them enthusiastically.

"Oooh, yeah!"
"Absolutely not."

"Huh? Nene, why not?"

"I told you guys, I'm not doing two shows in one day. I'm already getting sore..."

"Awe, but Nene, what if there's some nice girl out there sweeping Rui off his feet right now? And this is Y/n's only chance to get to him first?" Emu whined.

"Not possible," Nene shook her head.

"I mean, I do think it could happen, but I'm with Nene on this one. Something like that couldn't happen today. No doubt he and Tsukasa are signing autographs, though. And they're probably waiting for me to come join them..."

"And that's another thing. They could come back at any moment. You wouldn't want Rui to walk in on it, would you?"

"Oh, of course not!" You waved your hands, face getting red at just the thought. The embarrassment would probably kill you. "Or Tsukasa for that matter. I have a feeling he would get the wrong idea..."

"Y/n?" Emu looked at you. "Are you sure that no one will get to Rui before you?"

"Like I said, not possible." Nene sighed. She of all people would know. Rui still texted about you from time to time.

"It could happen. That's why I'm so eager to get back to work. Just, y'know, not anytime soo-"

As you were speaking a voice called out to the three of you. "There're the other showtimers!"

Your heart dropped into your stomach. It tended to do that anytime you heard her voice.

"Eh? Is that Kazuni and Hina?!" Emu asked.

"Mhm." Your favorite, melodious voice hummed, a large contrast to that of Kazuni. "I bumped into them outside. Tsukasa is still signing autographs, but these two were looking for Y/n."

"Hina was looking for Y/n. I was looking for you, dreamboat~"

You felt your eye twitch at that. Meanwhile, Hina made her way up to you from below the stage, offering a hand to help you down. "Hey. That was a nice show. Pretty spectacular."

"Thanks. It felt it." You smiled, though you still felt an aching in your chest as you glanced over to Kazuni fawning over your crush.

"Something the matter, Y/n?" Hina smirked. She was sort of a master at reading people, you recalled. 

"It's nothing important," you huffed, turning your head away from the scene.

"Admit it, you can't resist him either," she teased. You shook your head.

"Listen, it's... not a subject I wanna talk about right now."

"Didya get rejected?" Her face fell.

"No... haven't asked yet..."

"Well, let's get to that, shall we?" She walked behind you, grabbing both your shoulders and pushing you in the direction of Rui and Kazuni. You dug your heels into the ground, knowing something like this could ruin your whole plan.

"No- Hina! I can't do that!"

"Awe, c'mon. You totally can, he's so into you!"

"No, I mean- I have it all planned out already!"

"Oh, really now?" Her hands left your shoulders, nearly letting you fall. "Do tell, do tell."

"Did Yuuki ever tell you guys about a song she was writing when we were still collabing with Mafumafu and Soraru?"

"She might have mentioned it, yeah. Can't remember what she was calling it. Sounded pretty romantic though."

"Exactly! I told her about my little predicament with Rui, and she dug it up for me! So my plan is to-"

"Sing it to him?" She rose her eyebrow.

"Yeah. Lame, I know, but I think it'll speak more that way."

"Eh, it's better than courting him like you guys are birds. That's what Kazuni's gonna try."

"Er... what?"

"No, no, she doesn't see it like that. But I do. I find it sweet, but I know not everyone will. Guessing from what I know about Rui, he wouldn't."


"Anyway how's that going?"

"We're turning it into a mini show, so..."


"Yeah, Emu and Nene are helping, thank god."

"Thank god indeed. This all sounds quite... well... you have a to have a lot of humility. I'll just say that."

"Right, yeah. And, uh... I guess he kinda deserves to see me so vulnerable, considering..." Your eyes turned to Hina's , finding she was staring in interest. Oh, she didn't know you had rejected him. "Oh, uhm, I... He confessed to me a while ago. At the time, I sort of took it as 'oh, crud, I kinda manipulated this guy because I wanted a new boyfriend', so, I... kinda..."

"Okaaaaay, that..." She paused, covering her mouth in thought. "I'm going to say this with as much respect as I can: Y/n, you are a fucking idiot."

"I don't disagree."

At that, Hina turned to look at Kazuni, continuing to hang off of Rui and run her mouth so much he couldn't get a word in. "Well, I should probably go remind Kazuni about boundaries before she ruins Rui's coat. Wouldn't be the first..."

"Oh, right, do you want help?"

"Nah, don't want you to get caught in the crossfire."

"Alright then. I guess I should get back to... uh..."

Hina tilted her head, quirking a brow. "Looks to me like all you can do now is try to forgive yourself for what you did. Try a little harder, give yourself the benefit of the doubt sometimes. Y'know it won't matter what you did when the two of you are married someday."

"Sh-shut up about that..." you shied away.

"Jus' saying." At that, she turned to go pry her 'friend' off of Rui and drag her out of the park, screaming and kicking. Once they were on their way out, you approached Rui.

"Are you okay?"

As he tugged one of his sleeves back into place, he gave you a smile. "Of course. Can't help but enjoy that sort of fangirling every once in a while."

Okay, he was starting to get a little too comfortable with being single.

"Just making sure. I know Kazuni can be a lot."

"Nothing I can't handle. She's quite nice."

That was about as much as you could handle at this moment. So, politely, you ended the conversation and moved on. As Rui left, you glanced at Emu and Nene, sauntering back over.

"I'm gonna practice a little more for our mini show. Let's try to do it before the end of the month, yeah?"

"Nene's losing her voice, so she probably won't be able to practice much, but I can help a bit!" Emu bounced. Nene nodded, signifying she could play director for today.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now