Chapter 1: The Horror of Camping

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Set during the summer before Harry's seventh year.

Oliver let out a gutsy breath.  "Taste that air!  It's so fresh and clean.  I told you guys this place is great!"

Angelina glared at him, breathing hard.  "Why aren't you giving him hell for this?" she asked Alicia.

Alicia shrugged.  "It's one of the things he likes that isn't Quidditch.  I can't hate on everything he likes."

"Yes you can."

"Well yes I can obviously but I shouldn't."

Angelina wiped the sweat off her brow.  "I can't believe you like camping honestly."

"It's fun in moderation," Alicia said.  "Besides, I get to wear fun boots and hiking clothes."  She twirled on the spot, showing off stylish yet functional pants, boots and vest over a nice short sleeved shirt.

The original team had decided to spend the weekend together.  Their schedules aligned perfectly and Oliver convinced them to go camping.  He loved camping, his family enjoying a yearly trip into nature for a few days to get away from the bustle of normal life.  The twins and Alicia agreed readily enough with Angelina, Katie, and Harry agreeing too.  They decided they wanted this to be a trip with the original team and family and might invite others in the future.

Oliver took them to one of his favorite camping sites, somewhere remote and not one where Muggles camped at.  It was a pleasant wooded area with a very large river running through the forest, idyllic and natural.  He side-along apparated with Alicia and the twins prior to the trip and on the day of, they side-along apparated with the last three and they hiked to his favorite spot.

Harry climbed over the rocks leading up to the flat ground, helping Katie up.  He was excited to be here and to spend a whole weekend with the original team like this, a last hurrah before Katie left for the Academy and he returned to Hogwarts.

The fact he was the last of them to go back, alone, made him queasy.  Yet he was not truly alone he knew.  Still, it would be tough going back without anyone with him.  His first family.

His backpack was full of cooking utensils and supplies, food, clothes, and a full emergency medical bag as well as his personal medic kit.  He also brought his two-way mirror just in case.  Tonks had gotten the location from Oliver and promised to bring a search party if they did needed it.

Katie was breathing hard as she gratefully accepted Harry's help.  "Why couldn't we camp out on top of Grimmauld?" she huffed.  "Or in the orchard?"

"Where's your sense of adventure?" Oliver asked with a smile.

"Where your sense of comfort is," she retorted with a smile.

"Then it must be right here 'cause I'm perfectly comfy."  He dropped his large pack.  "We're here!  What d'you lot think?"

Harry looked around.  The area was very nice.  The trees were large and in good health, not overgrown or clustered.  Plenty of sunlight came through the branches.  The forest floor was even and hardpacked.  The river ran right by the campsite, filling the air with the pleasant sound of running water.  "I think it looks beautiful," he praised.

Angelina wiped his nose with a handkerchief.  At his raised eyebrow she sniffed.  "Just thought your nose was a bit brown is all."

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