Chapter 34: Feathered Protector

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Starts right after chapter 31

Katie blinked when they reapparated, landing them right outside of their home.  "That is probably the smoothest side-along apparition I've ever had."

Harry smiled, looking a little strained but was still warm and sincere.  "I've gotten better at it with all the transfiguration work I've been doing.  Plus I pumped a lot of my magic in it to make it as smooth as I could for you and Dahlia."

Katie kissed his cheek.  "Thank you, I appreciate it and I know Dally does."  She looked down at their newborn daughter.  She fussed a little, making noises of discomfort and Katie gently bounced her in her arms.  "My magic is still a bit funny so it was better that you brought us home."

Harry gently stroked Dahlia's head and the baby quieted down a little.  "Sorry for the rough trip Dally," he said soothingly.  "But you're home now.  Welcome home!"  He looked around.  "You're about to meet the last person in our little family."

A low keen grew in strength and they looked up, smiling at the white silhouette coming closer.  Hedwig extended her wings wide and landed on Harry's head.  She hooted with welcome, tugging on Harry's hair and leaning over to nuzzle Katie's head.  Then Dahlia made a noise and her head snapped, eyes widening as she looked down at the baby.

"Hedwig, this is Dahlia.  She's here with us now," Harry said.  He reached up and took Hedwig in his arms and brought her close to Dahlia.  He noticed Katie's look of concern.  "I'm sure Hedwig will be really careful."

Katie smiled wryly.  "I'm sorry.  I know she will.  Guess I'm just being overly cautious."

"You're being a mum," Harry said warmly.  "Let's go inside."

They walked into the house and smiled at the decorations their friends and family had left: fresh flowers, floating garlands, and lots of gifts and things sitting about.  Katie gently set Dahlia down on a large pillow on the living room couch.  "There we go," she said softly.  "Do you like your home baby?"

Dahlia looked around, blinking and gurgling softly.

"I think she will," Harry chuckled.  He gently released Hedwig who flew around the room for a little bit, dodging between floating things.  "They really made things homey for us, didn't they?"

"They sure did," Katie said fondly.  "I'll call them later.  Let me call the mums.  They'll want to be here soon."

"Good idea.  I'll call the others and tell them we got back okay."  He went to put their things away and was called back by Katie.  "What's up?" he asked as he walked back in.

Katie was looking down at the couch with the softest expression.  She beckoned him over.

Hedwig was sitting right beside Dahlia, plumped up and hooting softly.  The baby was nestled against her downy feathers and looked indecently comfortable.  She had one tiny hand in Hedwig's feathers, holding a handful gently.  Hedwig continued to hoot softly, musically, her large amber eyes never leaving Dahlia's face.

"That's my girl," Harry said proudly.  "With my other girl."

"I have nothing to worry about," Katie said.  She rubbed Hedwig's head gently.  "Thank you so much Hedwig.

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