Chapter 63: French Assets

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Takes place after chapter 55

"Hey!  What're you doing here?"

Harry hugged Tonks back.  "I was sent a message to come to the Ministry."

Tonks' eyebrow rose.  "What for?  Who sent it?"

"That's what I'm trying to find out," Harry said.  "The letterhead was plain, a basic Ministry parchment notice and it has nothing else written on it.  Am I in trouble?"

"Not as far as I know and you won't be for long if you were," Tonks said.  She took the parchment from him and looked at it closely.  "Don't recognize the handwriting.  That is basic Ministry memo parchment.  Did you recognize the owl?"

"No, it was one that wore a Ministry badge but that's it."

"Hmm.  That's suspicious."

"It really was not supposed to be," Percy said wryly, walking up to them.  "Good morning Harry, Miss Tonks."

"Hey Percy.  So it's from you?" Harry asked.

Percy sighed and rubbed his forehead.  "Yes.  I asked someone to send you a message for me and I should be surprised that it was sent without explanation but honestly, I am not."  He gave the two a sheepish look.  "Intern."

"Ahhhh," Tonks said knowingly.  "There's a reason why Auror interns still have an experienced person with them.  To prevent stuff like that."

"Apparently they thought that the bare minimum would suffice since I spoke of you with familiarity," Percy sighed once more.  "Then they had the gall to be shocked when I was annoyed with them."

Harry chuckled.  "No real harm done then I guess.  I was really worried but now I'm not.  Knowing you, you're making them pay for it."

"Indeed.  I have them transcribing notes.  In triplicate."

"Copying charm or dictaquill?"  Tonks laughed at Percy's headshake.  "Cruel and I love it."

"One must learn somehow," Percy said with a slight smile.

"Well that's good.  I better get back to my department.  Later little bro."  She kissed Harry's cheek messily and waved cheerily to Percy before walking off.

"I do apologize for worrying you," Percy said, walking down one of the hallways with Harry following.

"It's alright.  Though I'm still a bit confused why I'm here to be honest."

"The business is official in nature so I thought it best for you to be here.  Nothing bad I assure you.  Just...well official."

"Fair enough."  Harry followed Percy into the Department of International Magical Cooperation and looked around with interest.  Desks dotted the floor with dividers for privacy and some offices along the walls had open doors and others were closed.  Papers and parchment flew around and paper airplanes constantly flew in and out of a window leading into the hall.  People worked industriously but a general sense of professional comradery rang throughout.  Conversations were pleasant with more than a few laughing here and there.

"Like your office," Harry said as Percy led him into a corner office.  It was modest in size and neatly arrayed.  He grinned at a section of a bookshelf dedicated to pictures and little things, set at eye height for someone sitting behind the desk.  His smile grew when he recognized the small silver grey goose sitting on the desk.

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