Chapter 80: Knowing where to Look

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Starts before chapter 144 of Family


"Yes Bun?" Angelina said, smiling at her daughter.

"I love you."

"Aww, I love you too Bun."  Angelina hugged Hailey warmly.  "Now tell me what you want."


"Don't give me that.  I know you're buttering me up."  Angelina's breath caught in her throat when Hailey looked up at her with impossibly wide eyes brimming with emotion.  She blinked slowly, her eyes soulful and expressive.  Angelina hugged her hard, anything to banish the expression before freezing.

"Wait a second.  I know that look."  She held Hailey at arm's length and the little girl's lip quiver had nothing to do with showing emotion but with withholding laughter.  "Where did you learn that?  Did Papa Harry teach you that?"

"Uhm, maybe?"  Hailey looked away.

Angelina tickled her until the girl was squirming and giggling.  "Fess up!  Did Papa Harry teach you the Look?!"

"Never!" Hailey shrieked as she tried to stop the ticklish assault.  She managed to squirm away and dash away giggling.

"Don't think I can't catch you even with me pregnant!"  Angelina chased after her and scooped her up, flopping down on the couch and holding onto her.  "Now I got you!"

George walked in, smiling broadly at the sights and sounds of his wife and daughter laughing and squealing.  "What's going on now?"

"This one used the Look on me and I want to know how she learned it!" Angelina said, talking loudly over Hailey's shrieking laughter.  "Confess!"

"Help me, Daddy!" Hailey squealed.

"Sorry Bun, there's no going against your Mummy when she's like this," George said, wearing a look of deep resignation.  "This goes against every bit of my being, but you might have to fess up to who taught you."

"That looks like that hurts you to say that," Angelina snorted.

"You know my history of never confessing to anything," George snickered.  "But mum's have powers that cannot be denied when you're this age."

Hailey resisted for a few more minutes before she finally capitulated.  "Papa Harry didn't teach me, I watched him do it."

"Oof, they're at that age already," George groaned.  "Better start watching myself."

"You never have before, why start now?" Angelina smiled.

"Gosh, you just get me," George smiled and kissed her.  "So who did Papa Harry use the Look on?  KatiMum should be fairly immune to it."

"Nana Andi.  She was mummy scolding him and he used it on her and she stopped.  He also did it to Grandma Sammy to win an argument against KatiMum."

"That's dirty," Angelina laughed.  "I hope this is a lesson for you Bun.  Using the Look on me might not get you what you want."

"I wanted hugs and tickles."

Angelina's heart melted.  "Okay, sometimes it does.  But don't let it be a habit."  She sighed softly when Hailey used the Look on George and she ran off squealing with George in hot pursuit.  "In one ear and out the other."

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