Chapter 148: Speaking Five, the Hedwig Strikes Back

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As per tradition, all over the timeline but the first instance happens during chapter 120

Harry opened his mouth to retort but then smiled instead, looking slightly past her. "I mean, wouldn't make sense to swap out Seekers for scoring, but maybe if getting hit with a Bludger, I'll just have to not get hit."

"Not hard for you," Angelina said. "What's your hit record, one out of every four games on average?"

"If you don't count grazes or glances," Harry nodded.

Ginny brushed something off her head, not looking at it. "Our Beaters hate trying to go for you. You weave around all their shots."

"Most Beaters do," Oliver said. Something caught his eye and he started to smile. "Sir Harry's wily."

"Seekers always are, egotistical too," Ginny said with the smile she wore when she needled her brothers. She waved her hand again to brush something aside.

"Shelia and I work great together, thank you very much," Harry said.

"Yeah and I love Shelia but she's got ego to spare," Katie said lovingly. "In fact, that's why you two work great together. She has more than enough for the both of you." She started to snicker.

"Oh man, the first time I saw her get rowdy and call herself the Queen of Skye, that was amazing," Angelina said. "That was after our first game together as a team against Puddlemere." Her eyes started moving back and forth and she grinned, looking past Ginny too.

"Oh yeah," Oliver said, his smile turning feral. "When she headbutted Greens after he called her a broomstick trollop. That was awesome."

"Oh good, never liked him anyways," Alicia said approvingly. "What happened to him?"

"He got knocked out clean," Harry said, smiling at the memory. "He called her that and knocked her mug out of her hand. She drained his and put him down with a solid headbutt. It was awesome."

"Wish I saw that." Ginny looked at the twins and Ron laughing, their faces turning red. "What's so funny?" she asked irritably as she swiped at something that buzzed behind her head. She turned to look and saw nothing.

"Anyways," Harry said, fighting to keep the mirth from his voice, "I'll be fine on my own as sole Seeker. If you have concerns, you might want to bring it up to the co-Captain."

"Who, you? Aren't you co-Captains with Oliver?" Ginny asked.

"Nope," Harry said, popping the P with a lopsided grin.

Ginny paled. "Oh no wait-" She shrieked and jumped when Hedwig screeched loudly from behind her. Hedwig, wearing her co-Captain badge, had flown silently around her when Ginny started teasing Harry. She brushed Ginny's hair with her wing tips and talons, buzzing about much to the amusement of the rest of the team. Finally, Hedwig made her presence and ire known and chased Ginny down the pitch, chastising her loudly.

"You red-headed baby! I was buzzing you for ages and you didn't even notice it until the last minute! You're blinder than that flightless stick you ride on! You think you can tease my Chick when you're so unobservant? Hah! Good thing you don't have to hunt to survive. If hunting skills were feathers, you'd be worse than a newly hatched chick!"

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