Chapter 91: Prefect Portrayal

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Takes place during Harry's fifth year, starting after Chapter 98 of Family

"You know, this hurts," George said, looking aggrieved.

"It really hurts," Fred said, looking agreed.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked them worriedly.

"Just...that," the twins said, pointing at the badge on his chest and shuddering theatrically.

"Our little brother, a prefect," George sighed.

"How have we let this happen?" Fred moaned.  They flinched at the Stinging Jinxes Alicia shot at them.  "Ahem," Fred coughed, rubbing his rear.  "Prefect Potter, I want to report an incident of a student casting a spell at another student without proper supervision."

"You can't go running to him to act like a prefect when you were just lamenting that he's a prefect," Alicia said crossly.

"Why not?" they asked, dodging when she shot more Stingers at them.

"I don't see any spellcasting," Harry said mildly.

"You need to get your eyes checked then mate," George grumbled.

"I mean, she could be using a spell I'm not familiar with, so I wouldn't be able to say if she was spellcasting at all really," Harry said with a hint of a smile.

"Aww, using my circuitous logic and establishing a loophole to benefit me, I am so very proud of you baby bird," Alicia gushed and hugged him.

"Look at you, playing favorites," Fred said with disgust.

"Never.  I'll prove it."  Harry reached into his medic pack and pulled out a bandage.  "Here, medically treated bandage.  Perfect for spells that might be related to a Stinging Jinx."

"Very funny," Fred grumbled while the others laughed.  He still took it however and made a show of putting it on over his pants.

"Ready for your first patrol?" Katie asked.

"I think so," Harry said.  "Bit daunting but I think it'll be okay."

"Don't worry, we're keeping these two in the tower tonight," Angelina smiled.  "Let you start off easy."

"Harry wouldn't take points from us," the twins said indignantly.

"He might not," Hermione said as she walked to the corner.  "I might however, with due cause."

"You'd have to catch us first," Fred smirked.

Hermione crossed her arms.  "And you two think I can't?"

"Hey now, wouldn't that be fun," George mused with a menacing smile.  "Our brains against yours.  Superior wits versus intellectual wit."

"Oh look at the time," Harry said, putting an arm around Hermione's shoulders as she puffed up angrily.  "We better get going, don't want to be late to our first patrol."  He steered her out of the common room but not before Hermione spitted the twins with a stern look.  She pointed at her eyes with her pointer and middle finger and pointed it back at them.  When the twins gave her the salute, she opened her mouth but by then Harry pushed her out of the common room.

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