Chapter 131: Wind Rider

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Takes place after chapter 125

"Potter!  Get in here!"

"Yes Coach?"  Harry peeked into the office.  "I swear, I didn't know anything about the trunk."

"Have a seat and- wait, what trunk?" Miranda asked.

Harry sat down.  "Trunk?  What trunk?"

Miranda scowled at him.  "You better hope that nothing happens to me because of a trunk because if it does, I'm holding you liable too."

"Nothing will happen to you that is from a trunk," Harry said.  "Unless you accidentally happen on a suspicious trunk and if that happens, it was Sam and Oliver."

"Of course it is," Miranda sighed.  She rubbed her eyes.  "Sometimes I feel like I should stop them."

"But then you wouldn't get your cut of the betting pool," Harry said prosaically.  "And you said it's good for morale."

"Yes, that too," Miranda snorted.  "Anyways, that's not why I told you to come in."  She picked up a very fancy looking scroll off of her desk.  "I have something for you."  She tossed it to him and he caught it easily.

He undid the fancy ribbon binding and unfurled it, starting to read.  After he read the first part, he looked up at her in shock.  "Is this for real?"

"It is, confirmed it myself," Miranda smiled.  "Congrats!  This is huge."

"I'll say," Harry gasped.  "I can't believe it."

"Since it's in writing, you can believe it," Miranda said comfortably.  "And it comes at a good time.  Regular season's over so you'll have time to train and put in a good showing.  Providing you want to of course and well, you really want to."

"I mean, I don't need to have someone slap my name or something close onto something," Harry said slowly.

"No, you don't," she snorted.  "You're the most un-egotistical Seeker I have ever met in my entire career.  Which works because we have one of the most egotistical ones on the team so there's a nice balance."  She raised her voice.  "The so-called something of Skye!"

"I AM THE QUEEN OF SKYE!" Shelia shouted back, her voice echoing clearly from the locker room.

Harry grinned and Miranda snorted.  "Anyways," Miranda continued, "you're going to do it for three reasons."

"This I've got to hear," Harry smiled.

"One, imagine the publicity this will bring to the team and the Portree Program," Miranda said, eyes shining.

"Okay, that's fair," he conceded.

"Two, your teammates and friends and family always want you to shine," Miranda said.  "Including me and not just because of the publicity.  Because I genuinely like you and believe you should be lauded."

"Aww, thanks Coach," Harry said, touched.  "Also fair."

"And last but not least," Miranda leaned over and smiled, "because you want to see how you stack against the other flyers and be the best."

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