Chapter 123: Masterfully

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Takes place a few years after chapter 94

"You know, I thought I'd have a few more days of 'cheerful indolence'."

McGonagall gave Harry a flat look that dripped of disapproval.  "Did you really?"

"No, but I hoped," Harry smiled.

McGonagall snorted.  "Just because you are a Certified Master now, does not mean you can sit back and let your title go to waste.  You are still my apprentice and I am still responsible for you."

"I'm so sorry."

She laughed.  "Quite.  Though I accept the responsibility.  Besides, I can take that certificate away from you."

"You can?!"

"Yes and do not try to confirm it with Gilly."  She waggled a finger at him.  "Besides, you do not even know what I am about to suggest."

Harry leaned back in his chair.  "Fair enough.  What are you going to suggest?"

"Well, I believe it is high time for you to take the natural next step after becoming a Certified Master."

"A vacation?"  He grinned at her look.

"You know, I miss the days of unfettered respect and awe," she sniffed.

"I'll never fetter my respect for you but I guess I am a little more comfortable around you to be cheeky," Harry said.

"Obviously," she said dryly but smiled.  "But no, no vacation.  Request denied."

"Nuts," he sighed gustily.  "Okay, what is the next step then?"

"Taking on an apprentice."

"You think I'm ready for that?" Harry asked, eyebrow raised.

"You have taught multiple classes at Hogwarts a term now," she reasoned.  "You have the knowledge and the skills."

"True, but that's different from being a master to an apprentice," Harry said.

"Fair.  However, you will not be the sole master.  I suppose I should amend my statement some.  Or clarify it.  I have been asked to be a Mistress to a few promising prospects and I do not think I can give them the time they would need, not alone.  Since you are Certified now, you can assist me in their learning and progression.  You will receive credit as a second Master and I have always been a believer that one who teaches learns as well."

"I can always stop my Mastery at Certified to lighten your load some," Harry suggested, flinching at her scowl.  "Just a suggestion," he added weakly.

"I will drag you to Accomplished in any way necessary," she said severely.  "Do not think I will not.  And I would rather forgo other apprentices before abandoning you."

"Love you too McGonaMum."

She rolled her eyes but her smile was from ear to ear.  "And I you, you cheeky thing."

"You think I can really do it though?  Be a Master that has an apprentice?" he asked.

"Of course," she said, without a hint of doubt.

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