Chapter 135: Memory Lane

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Takes place before chapter 115

Ted walked into the room and looked over at his wife. "Is something wrong?"

"Hmm? Not really, why do you ask?" she asked absentmindedly.

"Because you're staring at the closet like it's done you personal wrong," Ted said, making her smile.  He walked over to her and put an arm around her shoulders.  "It does look a bit full."

"We have neglected it for some time," Andromeda said, leaning into him.  "I will clean it out tomorrow."

"Uh, how about this weekend?  We can clean it out together."

She smiled and snorted.  "I am completely capable of cleaning on my own.  I am not Nymphadora."

He laughed.  "Gosh, I've always wondered if she consciously makes the cleaning charms burst into flames or if it really is an accident."

"With her?  Might be both honestly."

"I know you're capable, but just saying it might be more fun with us together."

She patted him on the cheek.  "You need to do more things if you find cleaning fun."

"Well it's with you," he protested.

"You are terribly sweet," she smiled and kissed him.  "I will be reducing the sugar in your tea because you are far too sweet."

"Why do you think I'm so sweet," he called after as she walked away.

"I can handle it," she called back.

"I know you can," Ted sighed softly to himself.  He raised an eyebrow and fished for the mirror in his work briefcase.  "Doesn't mean you have to on your own though."


Andromeda reached for her mirror eagerly, smiling at the sound of something feathery headbutting something wooden.  "Harry, love, how are you?"

"Hi MumAndi," Harry said warmly.  "I'm okay, how about you?"

"Doing fine thank you.  About to do a spot of cleaning."

"Want me to come by and help?"

"No thank you.  You are minding the little ones and there will be a bit of a mess."  She frowned.  "Did Ted put you up to this?"

"Did Uncle Ted put me up to what?"

"You are a dreadful liar," Andromeda sniffed.

"I'm not lying," Harry argued.  "I'm playing dumb."

"Clearly.  No, I do not need your help nor Ted's help."  She looked sternly at him,

"Fine, how about a little moral support?"  He sighed at her continued look.  "I swear I won't be coming over."

"Very well," she sniffed.  "Do not forget that I am used to shenanigans and twisting of words."

"I know I know." Harry said.  The mirror went blank, showing Andromeda's image once more.  Before she could question things further, the fire in the hearth flared into life and a small form came through.  "Nana!"

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