Chapter 130: Future Tense

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Takes place a bit before chapter 88

Harry fished out his mirror, smiling at the very loud screeching that emanated from it.  "Hi Angelina."

"Hi Rabbit."  Angelina's image smiled at him.  "I need a huge favor."

"Of course, what can I do?"

"Mum had to run off and she can't watch Hailey for today.  Molly is busy too and the Wheeze is mad right now.  I can't get a hold of Alicia either and I don't trust my brothers with a broom.  Could you watch Hailey for me today please?"

"Of course.  Alicia had an emergency too so I'll be watching Hadley too.  I just got off the Floo with her and was about to go get her.  I can run by your place to get Hailey."

"You're a lifesaver," Angelina sighed with relief.  "Sorry for the short notice."

"No problem!  I'm spending the day at Hogwarts doing some mastery work with Mistress but the girls should be fine with me."

"Luckily the bunnies all listen to you easily," Angelina smiled.  "Huh, this will be the first time Hailey's visiting Hogwarts.  Good thing it's summer.  You sure it'll be okay?"

"I'm sure.  Already checked with Mistress."

"Thanks again," Angelina said.  "I'll bring a treacle tart tonight when I pick up Hailey."

"Come for dinner, we can have it together."

"Great idea!  Thanks!"


A loud crack rang out and Harry appeared.  He had apparated kneeling, his arms wrapped securely around the three girls.  They made faces when they appeared, still slightly unused to apparition, but the feeling passed swiftly and they shook their heads.

"This is Hogwarts?" Hadley asked, looking about.

"Not yet.  This is the Hogsmeade Apparition point," Harry smiled.  He rose to his feet.  "That's Hogwarts."

"Oh wow, it's so big!" Hailey gasped, seeing the castle.

"It really is.  You girls are lucky.  You get to see it before your first year."  Harry took a deep breath and let it out slowly.  "I love it here."

"Have I been before?" Dahlia asked.

"A few times when you were a baby, so you probably don't remember," Harry said.  "Come on bunnies, don't stray."  He led them up the path and they skipped alongside him, eyes taking in the castle.

It was a gorgeous day.  The sun was high in the sky, soft while clouds drifting lazily by and a gentle breeze kept the air moving and just shy of very hot.  The grass was green and lush, the trees swaying in the wind.  The castle looked timeless and solid, as old as the land surrounding and brimming with magic: literal and figurative.

The girls clapped when the immense iron gates opened slowly as they approached.  They followed Harry in a row, like ducklings following their mother.  They stopped when loud barking could be heard and Hadley hid behind Harry when a large boarhound came running over.

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