Chapter 74: International Relations

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Takes place during Harry's fourth year, after chapter 82 of Family

There are a few phrases that can immediately elicit a feeling of worry or dread.

When a medical professional says "That's new," or "Interesting,".

When a person says "We need to talk," to their significant other.  Or when they say "Nothing's wrong," when asked if something was wrong.

When a person of authority says "There's no need to panic," when there was no need to panic prior to them saying not to.

However, for the Wizarding World, more specifically the population of Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, there was a phrase that could cause anyone to go immediately on guard and be deeply concerned.  Oddly enough, it was a phrase that was frequently said.  But when a certain...pair of individuals said it, the danger was immensely higher.

"I'm bored," George said, staring off into space.

"Me too," Fred sighed, staring off into space.

Alicia immediately leaned back in her chair and pulled out her wand.  Angelina slid away too, pulling Harry with her.  Ron got up and immediately left the common room.

"How can you two be bored?" Hermione asked, looking at them warily given how Alicia, Angelina, and Ron acted.  "You have N.E.W.T.s next year."

"Great, now we're even more bored," the twins intoned dismally.

Alicia glared at Hermione and made a sewing motion in front of her lips with her free hand.  "Remember my warning," she said to the twins, wand pointed at them.

Fred waved a lethargic hand.  "Yeah yeah, don't get your knickers in a twist."

"I'll twist your knickers and more," Alicia threatened.

"While that sounds like fun, I don't think Ollie would approve," George said, somehow ignoring Alicia's thunderous look in his apathy.

"What's going on?" Harry whispered to Angelina.

"Shh, whatever you do, don't draw their attention," Angelina hissed back.  She and Alicia looked even more alarmed when the twins sighed dismally, deflating before them.

"Why are you bored?" Harry asked, unable to stop himself.  He winced when Angelina pinched his side.

"Oh you know," Fred sighed.

"I...don't?" Harry replied, wincing as he got pinched again.

"It's just, well, nothing to do," George said.

"Don't want to study," Fred said.

"We already did the homework we cared to."

"No Quidditch aside from Blitz Quidditch and we did that a lot this week."

"All our major planned pranks are already being done or have been done."

"Winter break is still weeks away."

"So we're bored," they whined.

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