Chapter 109: Bridges Rebuilt

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Takes place after chapter 98

"Your home is very nice," Cyrus said somewhat awkwardly.

"I can hear you add, 'but very small'," Daphne said wryly with a raised eyebrow.

"I was not thinking that," Cyrus protested. "but now that you mention it..."

"It suits us just fine, Father," Daphne snorted. "We do not host large meetings or parties or have family stay and visit with us." Cyrus, Adelle, and Astoria winced slightly at that. "There is plenty of room for myself, Tracy, Heather, and the coming baby. Our closest friends live literally next door. If we have more children, then we can expand the house."

"It was built by the Davis Company, yes?" Adelle asked. "Then they will expand it with little difficulty."

"All the homes in the village were built by them and they are on retainer for future development and future homes," Daphne said.

"I remember Tiffany mentioning that now," Adelle said, accepting a cup of tea from Daphne. "She was rather happy with the arrangement."

"Small wonder she was so willing to defend Potter," Cyrus said with a trace of snootiness.

"Aunt Tiffany has never shied from telling you her opinion," Daphne said with more than a trace of frostiness. "For as long as I can remember."

"For longer than that, truth be told," Adelle said with a small smile. "Back into our Hogwarts years even."

"She always did like me the least of your past suitors," Cyrus grumbled.

"She actually tolerated you the most," Adelle corrected gently. "She also liked you the least, but she also hated the others more."

"That means she likes Father the most," Astoria said, puzzled.

"Not if you ask her," Adelle chuckled.

After the incident with the Notts and their failed attempt at revenge, and when Cyrus' role came to light, Daphne extended an attempt at making peace. The relationship between the Greengrass-Davis family and the Greengrass family had been very poor due to Cyrus' attempts at making an agreement involving Daphne and Tracy's child, and how Harry and the Blacks had struck back severely. Cyrus alerting Ted to the machinations of the Notts helped heal things somewhat. Daphne invited her family to their home in Potter Village and it was gratefully accepted.

"Dear Merlin," Cyrus said, looking out the window. "Whose home is that?" he asked, pointing.

"Fleur Delacour," Daphne said once she looked.

"The Delacours? As in Sebastian Delacour?" Cyrus sounded very impressed.

"Yes, that is her father. Fleur competed in and won the Tri-Wizard Tournament if you recall," Daphne said. "Why?"

"I was not expecting to see that here." He pointed at the symbol on the door.

"What, a door knocker?" Astoria asked impishly.

Cyrus snorted softly. "Well, yes it is a door knocker. However, that one means that the home is foreign protected property. Meaning if any try to enter the grounds without express permission, then it can be construed as an act against a foreign government."

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