Chapter 118: Fore, Score, and Seven Tees to go

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Takes place after chapter 108

"Now this is beautiful," David said admiringly.

Harry had to agree.  The land was gorgeous, rolling hills that undulated around them.  Gorse and heather and other coarse grasses grew wild with trees dotting here and there. The surroundings had a wilder feeling to them, a natural feeling.  There were no obvious signs of human interference or landscaping save for the demarcated greens where the holes were, and even then, it was far more subtle than the typical landscaped courses.

"This is one of the oldest courses in Scotland," McGonagall said proudly.  "It was founded by magicals, wanting a place where they could relax away from the eyes of Muggles.  That said, it is a course to be played without magic at all.  Scot witches and wizards prefer to keep the purity and sanctity of the sport after all."

"Does that mean there are magical courses?" David asked.

"Oh yes.  Some require some ability with charms or transfiguration to score but those things are all empty style and completely lacking in genuine challenge."  She gave Harry a look.

"Mini-golf is its own class," he sniffed.  "And it was fun, wasn't it?"

"It was," David, Ted, Sirius, and Thomas said together.

"And I put my transfiguration skills to good use," Harry sniffed again.

"Mmmhmm," McGonagall hummed flatly.

"Someone doesn't think highly of your daddy's hard work," Harry said sadly to the tiny bundle on his chest.

McGonagall winced at the angry look Dahlia threw her way.  "Now hold on, I did not say that," she said weakly.  She gasped when Dahlia turned her head away, hugging Harry's arm.

"That's right, that'll teach GranMcGonaMum," Harry chuckled as he hugged his daughter, making her giggle.

After David had shown interest in playing golf with McGonagall, Harry had talked to her and the desire to play was mutual.  A few weeks after the mini-golf game at the Potter home, she secured play time for them at WandWood Highlands, a Heathland style golf course.  The families had come and those not playing would enjoy the comfortable clubhouse amenities while the players would enjoy the course.  Harry was going to be the caddy for the others while Dahlia was adorable moral support.

Harry grinned at Dahlia's delighted laughter.  McGonagall had scooped her up and transfigured a wonderful bunnet cap for her in the McGonagall tartan.  Dahlia wore it happily and was snuggled against McGonagall, giggling while McGonagall swung her around.  He was dressed comfortably and McGonagall wore her usual dark green robes she wore when she was out and about though she also wore a bunnet cap.

The men were dressed in golf clothes: comfortable trousers, shirts and vests, their own caps, save for one.  Harry sighed when Sirius took off his cloak with a flourish, revealing a knee-length kilt in a black and orange pattern, a sporran dangling in the front made of black leather bearing his family crest, and a cream-colored shirt.  An orange and black patterned tam o'shanter was perched at an angle on his head.  "What are you wearing?" Harry asked.

"When in Rome, do as the Romans do," Sirius said, admiring his look in a mirror he conjured.

"We're in Scotland though," Thomas said, deeply amused.  "I'm fairly sure you're offending a lot of people right now."

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