Chapter 102: A Wheeze of an Idea

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Starts during the twins' fifth year.

"I thought career counseling was done with individual students without family members present," George remarked.

"Something about a safe place and without outside influences," Fred remarked.

McGonagall sighed wearily and closed her eyes, pinching the bridge of her nose.  She missed the look of childish glee on the faces of George and Fred and it was just as well that she did.  "Typically, yes," she said softly, "but you two are anything but typical."

"Awww thanks Professor!" they chorused.

She pinched harder.  "So I thought let us get this out of the way with the shortest amount of headache and discomfort.  Besides, when I asked either of you earlier this week, both of you expressed a preference to have the other present."

"Didn't think you'd listen," Fred said, surprised.

"It has been known to happen," she said dryly.  She put her glasses back on and stared at the two Weasleys.  "So, out with it then.  What are your aspirations?"

"To win the Quidditch Championship," they said together.

"To find a new way to annoy Ron," George said.

"To find a new way to annoy Ginny," Fred said.

McGonagall sighed.  "What are your career aspirations," she said through clenched teeth.

"Oh uh, we haven't thought about it," they chorused.


"Professor!  Such language!" George gasped.

She fought a smile.  "We all know that you two think about everything.  You are far too clever to go about mindlessly and I know that you two have in fact thought about your careers."

They sat there silently, looking at anything but her.

"Fine.  If we must do this the hard way, we will do this the hard way.  Given your gregarious natures, I think working for the Ministry would be an option."

"Do we look like Dad and Percy?" they asked indignantly.

"Yes, you are from the same family," she retorted.  "They do quite well there.  Hard workers, dressed professionally, plenty of paperwork and bureaucracy to adhere to.  The perfect place for those that enjoy rules and order."

Fred turned green and began to sweat.

George fanned him with a Ministry pamphlet.  "Fred gets sick when he thinks about paperwork and rules," George said.

"Would there be too little?  Perhaps a career in the Healing field?  I know you two are fond of fighting and get injured in games therefore have a healthy respect for healing."

"Life and death situations and even more schooling?!"  The twins stared at her, as if she had just insulted their mother and every generation of their family.

"Why not?  You two make the grades for it, barely minimum but they are there," McGonagall said, pushing on.  "Another solid career with ample paperwork and plenty of responsibility."

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