Chapter 100: The Team

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Author's Note: Wow. I hit 100 chapters for Extended Family.

I know I was somewhat nebulous when to came to this fic. I would continue working on it as long as I had ideas and as long people had interest and to realize I've gotten to 100 chapters, it's a bit surreal. I didn't think I'd still have ideas for it, not to mention continue to want to work on it, but here we are. I've gotten so attached to the characters in this setting that even now I still don't want to let them go. There was a time where I could not think of writing so many chapters in a single setting, that most of my attempts at serials fell flat.

Chapter 100 of the Family that Chooses You was one of my hardest chapters to write. It dealt with one of the major points in Harry Potter and I knew it was a giant milestone, that all the chapters following it would always be different. Thankfully, there isn't that sense of urgency or sense of stakes for Extended Family. That being said, I wanted to make sure that this chapter 100 would be a good one. I wanted it to feel strong, to be an example of the setting and the characters, to make it feel like a proper chapter in the Family world. I think I managed that.

Thank you everyone for your comments, your bookmarks and kudos. It means so much to me. I'm glad that you found my stories and continue to read along. I know one should write for themselves but in all honesty, I write for all of you. Knowing that you are giving me your valuable time and attention, knowing that I can brighten your day, offer happiness and comfort in trying times, is important and incredible to me. On my tough days, I go back to read your kind words and comments to remind me that I am doing something right. That if I can provide a little escape from reality, then I'm doing something right.

I hope to continue to provide good words for you to read and enjoy. I hope to continue to bring you laughs, to offer release through tears well earned, and to help you feel warm and content. My best to each and every one of you. Thank you for being a part of my fanfiction family.

Takes place after chapter 94

McGonagall frowned slightly as she sat at the staff table in the great hall.

"What is that look for?" Flitwick asked.

"Oh do not mind me," she replied, waving a hand.  "I overheard something and I am in a bit of a mood because of it."

"Well now I must know," Flitwick said.  "Nothing bad I hope?"

"Depends on what you deem bad," she huffed.  "A large portion of the Quidditch players were having an argument about who is the better team this year."

"And I take it that you disagreed with all the opinions?" Flitwick smiled.

"What do you think?" she replied.  "I usually am not for one to denigrate other people's efforts-"

"-but this year all the teams are lacking somewhat," Flitwick finished.  "And yet, they are rather stubborn in thinking that they are in fact better than they are."

"Are we talking about the Quidditch teams?" Sprout asked as she joined them.  "I normally don't care about the Inter-House League as much as some others do," she smiled at McGonagall's snort, "but I've noticed that the teams are short on play and long of mouth."

"It is depressing," McGonagall said dismally.  "The games have been so lackluster and we have had to break up more fights between the teams."

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