Chapter 30: Dahlia's Day Out

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Takes place after Dahlia's birth and after Chapter 23

"It'll be okay," Harry said as he flicked his wand.  Various things flew through the air and landed neatly inside a large bag.  "I've taken care of Hailey and Hadley on trips before and I'll be extra careful with Dahlia."

"I'm not worried about that," Katie said, poking Harry in the side.  "I just feel like you should be able to go out without worrying is all."

"I'm not worried, see?  I'll have everything I need."  Harry checked the contents of the baby bag before adding a few things.  "I want to do my errands with my daughter and then see McGonaMum for mastery work.  You're needed at the pitch for practice and pre-game stuff, not to mention the game itself."

"True.  And everyone's busy and things just got bungled up hence the scheduling problem."  Katie sighed.  "You sure you'll be okay doing everything with Dally?  I can always take her to the Port with me."

"If it was just a practice day, I'd give her to you but you have a lot going on and there'll be a ton of people.  I don't think she's old enough for that yet.  It'll be fine, trust me."

"I do, you know that."  Katie smiled when Harry gently nestled Dahlia against his chest in a sling and hung the baby bag over his other shoulder.  "You look so attractive right now by the way."

"Yeah?"  He grinned goofily.

"Totally."  She kissed him sweetly on the lips.  "Enjoy your day, I'll be eager to hear about it after the game."  She bent and kissed Dahlia.  "Have fun with Daddy.  Be a good girl."

"We're going to have a great day," Harry said confidently.  "Right baby?"

Dahlia yawned and made a noise of satisfaction.

"She said yes," Harry said and Katie laughed.


Harry stepped into Diagon Alley from an apparition point.  He bounced Dahlia as she fussed a little.  "I'm sorry," he said soothingly.  "I know you don't like being side-alonged.  That's why you haven't had your bottle yet, didn't want you throwing up everywhere.  Are you hungry now?"  He fished out a bottle and held it to her but she turned her head, trying to burrow into him instead.

"Okay, let's relax a bit then," he said and stood against a wall, rocking her.  Soon she settled down and made a noise that Harry associated with hunger.  "Now you're hungry," he smiled and watched her drink from her bottle eagerly.  "That's a good girl."

He noticed a few people turn to look at him again when they passed and he brought his cap down lower, hiding his hair and scar.  He usually did not mind signing autographs and meeting fans, especially children, but he had no desire to be bothered this day when he was out with his daughter.  He walked slowly and smoothly, talking to Dahlia as he did.  He noticed she seemed to like it when he talked or sang to her and he was happy to oblige.

After stopping by the Apothecary to buy a few things, picking up some owl treats at Eeylops Owl Emporium, he walked through Flourish and Blotts to check for a book.  He cast a sound dampening charm around Dahlia but made sure to keep his hand on her belly to reassure her and she gripped his fingers as he did.


He turned at the familiar voice and smiled at Lavender.  "Hi Lavender, how are you?"

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