Chapter 48: Hallowed Healing

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Set before the final chapter of Family


"Yes flower?" Katie smiled, looking down at her daughter.

"Can I ask you something?"

Katie noticed how serious Dahlia was and immediately set her book aside.  "Of course, Dahlia.  What's on your mind?"

Dahlia chewed on her lip for a moment.  "Where does Daddy go on Halloween?"

Katie sat back and took a deep breath.  "Uh.  Well..."

Dahlia continued talking rapidly.  "I mean I know he spends the nights with us but he is always quiet right before and he's gone during the day and then when he comes home he always looks upset but he always is there with us and Hailey and Hadley and I'm worried that he's hurt or he doesn't like Halloween and we are hurting him by playing and stuff."

"Huh, guess you got that from your Daddy too," Katie said softly with a smile.  She picked up Dahlia and set her on her lap.  "You're not hurting your Daddy.  He loves spending time with you and the girls and all of us, don't you ever question that, okay?"  She sighed at Dahlia's nod.  "The thing about Halloween, it's a tough day for him."

"I thought he likes candy though.  He always has some and shares it with me, even when you say I shouldn't have anymore."

"Does he really?"  Katie smiled at Dahlia's panicked look.  "I'll forget about that for now.  No, he likes candy."  She sighed again.  "Dally, you know Granddog Sirius and Nana Andromeda and Grandpa Ted aren't your biological grandparents, right?  I mean, they aren't related to you technically."

"Like McGonaGrandmum and Grandma Poppy," Dahlia said.  "And the Grangers and Delacours."

"Yes, just like them.  They love you very much but they aren't related to you."

"But Grandma Sammi and Grandpa Tommy are right?  They are your mummy and daddy?"

"That's right."

"Why doesn't Daddy have a mummy and daddy?" Dahlia asked in a whisper.

"They passed away," Katie said sadly and softly.  "When Daddy was a baby.  They were hurt by a bad person."

Dahlia started to cry and Katie hugged her tightly.  "Poor Daddy," she sobbed.  "What happened to the bad person?"

"Your Daddy stopped him from ever hurting people again," Katie said, stroking Dahlia's hair.  "It took a while but he did it.  His parents passed on Halloween and when he was younger, he had a lot of bad things happen on this day so he isn't very fond of it usually."

"And I make him do things on it," Dahlia wailed despondently.

"Now now, don't think that," Katie said soothingly.  "You help Daddy feel better on this day and it's good that you do.  You Daddy doesn't do anything he doesn't want to and he always wants to do things with you.  Don't forget that."  She gently wiped her tears away.  "He knows how much you and the girls like to eat candy and play at night so he goes to visit his parents' resting place during the day."

"Have you gone to see them?" Dahlia asked.

"Yes.  I like to tell them about our lives and about you."

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