Chapter 137: Speaking Four: A New Hopewig

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As per tradition, takes place all over the timeline with the first instance happening during chapter 110

"Trust me, you don't want to finish it," Harry said and started tucking the letter away. He flinched when Alicia lurched forward, snatching the letter from him and tackling him, lying over him. "Alicia, you really don't want to-" he stopped talking when Alicia pushed a finger into his lips.

She read and started shaking. She sat up and held the letter with both hands, the letter shaking in fury alongside her whole body. When she got to the end, she tore the letter in half cleanly, her eyes burning and her hair on end. "Oh, no. Too far." She scrambled to her feet. "No one enter the house for a few moments." She walked off in what seemed like a sedate pace but the ground seemed to shudder under her steps.

"What, what did it say?" Oliver asked, staring after Alicia.

"Uh, basically, her mum blamed her for humiliating them today, that she is denying grandparents rights, that Christina and Tyler are fighting now and it's all her fault." Harry rubbed his neck. "And that if Alicia doesn't come home and beg for forgiveness then she is going to have legal action."

Alicia could be seen through the sitting room windows, screaming and howling at a piece of parchment. Words appeared on it and the parchment was slowly turning from pale cream to deep scarlet.

"Yeah, you tell her!" Angelina praised.

"Is it just me, or are the windows flexing?" Harry asked.

"It's not just you," Katie said, awed. "She must have cast a Silencing Charm because otherwise we'd hear her clearly, but I can still hear her shouting from here."

"I love her so much," Oliver smiled.

Finally the door flew open with an audible crack and Alicia came walking back to them. She was massaging her throat with one hand and held a shivering and shaking deep red envelope with the other. She coughed, pointing at her throat. After Harry cast a throat healing charm, she sighed with relief.

"Thank you, baby bird," she said huskily, voice slightly raspy. "May I borrow Hedwig?"

"Of course, don't want to use Archimedes?" Harry asked as he whistled loudly.

"Not for this," Alicia said. She smiled when Hedwig came flying over and landed on her arm. "Hello Hedwig. Please deliver this in the most dramatic way that you know. I want this to never be forgotten."

Hedwig's eyes opened wide, as did the others. "The most dramatic? You lot usually tell me to not do that," Hedwig barked.

"And I will go and buy you an entire pork bellies worth of your favorite bacon."

Hedwig licked her beak and nodded happily. "Deal! Don't worry, I'll earn my bacon." She nuzzled Alicia's cheek and waited for Alicia to tuck the envelope in her special harness. After a comforting hoot, she flew off.

"If they didn't deserve it, I'd feel bad for them," Angelina remarked.

"Can we eat together tonight?" Alicia asked.

"Of course, family dinner," Harry smiled.

"Let's go to Skye market," Katie smiled. "You, me, and Angelina. We'll get loaded up on groceries and some alcohol, come home, and have a proper family meal."

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