Chapter 83: Careening Career Counseling

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Takes place at the same time as chapter 104 of Family

They say preparation is the solution to adversity.  If one is adequately prepared, then they can conceivably account for all sorts of situations and variables.

McGonagall had been a professor and Head of House for a very long time.  She had earned all her knowledge through hard work and experience.  She was not arrogant to think she was the best Head, nor the one that was most liked.  She did think she was more than adequate for the most part and did care about her students.

However, this day, one that happened every year, was always a bit difficult.  Some years were more difficult than others but they all had a bit of difficulty to them.  It was an important day after all, for both her and her students.

She cleaned her office of what little clutter that dared accumulate.  She made sure her posters and flags were straight and clean.  She arranged the pamphlets on her desk and made sure that the tin was full of biscuits.  Her tea pot puffed slowly, kept warm with a charm.  She checked her drawer and made sure she had extra quills, parchment, and ink as well as a couple vials of Calming Draught and some pain relief potions on hand.

The Calming Draughts were typically for students but she had to partake two years ago for reasons that were obvious if you thought about them.

Deciding that all was in order, she glanced at the clock.  She was ready a bare few minutes before the first appointment.  Good.

She took a deep breath and thought about the dinner and treat she had waiting for her at day's end.


She looked over the notes she had written in the file.  "Well, what do you have to say for yourself, Mister Finnegan?"

Seamus shrugged weakly.  "Ma'am?"

"Mister Finnegan, despite you insinuating as such before, I do not bite."

"I...uh...I knew I shouldn't have listened to him," Seamus muttered, face bright red.  "In my defense, I was a firstie."

"Hmm, and when you told the other first year students that I have been known to bite?"

"...continuing tradition?"

She sighed and thought fondly of the treat that was waiting for her later.  "Mister Finnegan, you are aware why you are here in my office today."

"Yes ma'am."

"Then let us trim the fat and get to the meat of it and not waste time, shall we?"

"Yes ma'am."  He pulled on his tie a little.  "I...I want to work in the Ministry."

"Do you now?"  A thin eyebrow rose on McGonagall's face.

"Yeah, I want to work in the Department of Games."

"That makes sense.  What exactly do you wish to do there?"

"Well, I just thought it would be fun to work there.  Talk to players for Quidditch and other things, organize events, that sort of thing."

"I hope you realize that it is not all fun and games, despite the department being literally called that."

Seamus managed to keep himself from snorting.  "Yes ma'am.  Me Mum works for the Ministry, in Magical Records.  I know it's a professional job and won't be just me messing about."

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