Chapter 43: AU: A Book Wyrm's Hoard, Part 2

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Starts in fourth year, before the Yule Ball

Hermione blinked slowly, finally realizing that someone was shaking her shoulder and talking to her.  "Hmm?  Yes?"

"Are you okay?"  Alicia held a hand to her forehead.  "You don't seem feverish."

"I'm fine," Hermione said, frowning a little.

"Are you sure?  I was trying to get your attention for some time and you were completely spaced out."

"Oh, sorry," Hermione said weakly, "I didn't notice."

"Clearly.  What's wrong?"  Alicia sat at the table and looked inquisitively at her friend.

"Nothing's wrong really," Hermione said slowly.  "Just thinking."

"Hermione, you're capable of thinking many things while having two different conversations at the same time.  I've seen it.  Come on, tell me."

"No really, nothing's wrong."

"If you don't tell me, I will have to assume and will let my imagination run wild.  Let's see, did they discontinue your favorite parchment?"  She smirked at Hermione's look.  "Your favorite ink?  No?"  Alicia blew a bubble and popped it.  "Oh!  Are you wondering what is for dinner?  It's pie night."

"That's a relief," Hermione said snarkily.

"I thought so.  Ah I know.  You must be thinking about baby bird and his-" Alicia caught the thrown wad of parchment handily.  "Not bad, I am a Chaser though you know.  And your face is as red as a Quaffle."

"You're mean," Hermione sniffed, her face indeed as red as a Quaffle.

"This is true but trust me when I say I'm much nicer to you."  Alicia put her chin in her hands and batted her lashes.  "So, thinking about Harry then?  Daydreaming perchance?"

"Only as much as you do Oliver," Hermione returned, smiling proudly when Alicia too went bright red.

"Then you must be thinking about him a lot," Alicia said with false dignity.  "And I will deny that if you bring it up to others, about how much I think about Oliver."  She snorted when Hermione stuck her tongue out at her.  "That's positively childish of you and I approve."

"You do?"

"You're a bit too uptight sometimes dear, as one fellow tight-arse to another.  How are you thinking of Harry?  Don't tell me if it's rather lewd though."

"It's not!"  Hermione crossed her arms while Alicia giggled.  "I was just thinking about the...Yule Ball."

"Ah yes.  That should be good fun," Alicia said.  "George already asked Angelina, wasted no time there but it was a foregone conclusion really."

"Will you be going with anyone?"

Alicia shook her head.  "No, I'll just go to get dressed up and have some fun since Oliver isn't here.  I'll poke fun at the others.  How about you?"

Hermione sighed.  "I...kind of want to go with Harry."

"Then you should."

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