Chapter 136: A Day in Sports Healing

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Takes place before chapter 141 of Family

She wrapped her arms around him, relishing the contact and the warmth.  She breathed deep, smelling oak and polish and vanilla.  Her eyes closed, she leaned in-

Katie woke with a start as the little alarm clock on her nightstand screamed cheerily at her.  She blinked slowly, mind still sleepy and fuzzy as she looked about, completely disoriented for a moment.  Reality replaced the dream and she sighed, glaring hatefully at the loud and far too happy sounding alarm that was currently berating her.  She reached over and pressed the ringing bell on top, making it go silent.

She yawned and stretched, debating going back to sleep for a few more minutes but decided against it regretfully, seeing the time on the clock.  She got up and went to the bathroom, grumbling about the early hour and the unfairness of it all, knowing full well that she was living the consequences of her choices.

When she came back, she realized why she had smelled such familiar scents.  The candle on the nightstand glowed warmly and the sweet scents of vanilla filled the air from it.  She ran her fingers down the side and wrote a small message on it with her stylus, smiling at it warmly.  With a bit more reluctantly given energy, she packed her bags and changed into her medical uniform robes, tying her hair up with a scarlet ribbon with a tiny gold lion charm on it.

"Bonjour," she said with a smile a few minutes later.

"Bonjour," Fleur rasped, walking over to her.  She yawned openly and fully, blinking sands of sleep away.  "Thank you," she said when Katie handed her a cup of steaming coffee.

"I still love seeing you so rumpled in the mornings," Katie giggled.

Fleur smiled.  "I admit, it was difficult trying to be more presentable when you first started living with Aimee and I."

"I'm glad you feel comfortable around me."

"Of course, we are sisters essentially.  And you are far less annoying than Gabi," Fleur said, sipping her coffee.  She ran a finger through her wayward hair, wincing a little as she tugged through a snarl.  "The little pest stole my combs again."

"You can borrow mine," Katie said as she finished packing her bags.

"Are you going to be out all day?" Fleur asked.

"Yeah, classes in the morning and then clinic all afternoon.  Decided just to bring everything with me so I don't have to come back and lose time."

"How does Reynauld's sound for dinner?  Steak frites?"

"Yes please, thanks!  See you later!"

"Have a good day!" Fleur called as Katie ran through the Floo.


"Pay attention," the instructor chided, glaring at Allain.  "Nobody cares about your latest date and if your schoolwork is any measure of your dating prowess, it must be equally inflated.  Actually, come here, demonstrate the technique."

Katie hid a smile, enjoying Allain's embarrassment and discomfort.  The other student healer wilted under the instructors' unflinching stare and he fumbled the complicated procedure.

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