Chapter 92: Medicinally Magically

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Takes place during Harry's seventh year, around chapter 132 of Family

"What's wrong?  Has that ginger done something to you somehow?"

Harry chuckled.  "No, I just had a thought.  Aside from the obvious magical ingredients like unicorn horn and tentacula leaves, we use a lot of non-magical things for potions."

Hermione looked thoughtful.  "That's true.  A lot of the magic that makes a potion comes from magical items and the magic we impart into the potion as we craft or brew it.  But you're right, a vast majority of things are mundane or non-magical in nature.  What made you think of that?"

"Well I was thinking of making something for dinner and realized I didn't have any ginger handy until I checked my potions kit.  I was debating if it was safe to use potions ginger for kitchen ginger and started wondering if there's a difference between the two."

"If you have it kept separate from the other things and wash it thoroughly, I don't see why you couldn't use it.  You're good about keeping things clean and organized for potions."

"I better be," Harry snorted.  "Alicia would tear me a new one if I wasn't."

Hermione giggled.  "Have you noticed that Anthony double checks the classroom now to check for her?"

"You mean Scruffy?"

She slapped him playfully on the shoulder.  "His name is Anthony!"

"But Scruffy is funnier," Harry smiled.

"She did have a rather large impact on him, didn't she?"

He nodded.  "She sure did.  Hmm, I better not use this one, I might need it for class and I don't think Professor Snape would accept me using my ginger for cooking to be an acceptable reason for not having any."

"I don't suppose you'll want to ask him for some from the common storeroom then."  She smiled at the thought.

"I don't think he'd let me do that either," he laughed.  "Oh I might ask one of the House Elves actually if the kitchen doesn't mind sparing some."

"I have been meaning to ask, how do you get your groceries for cooking by the way?"

"I place orders through Hedwig for certain things to some grocers nearby.  I also buy from the kitchen or trade for them."

"They let you pay for them?"

"They have to.  Normally they would give me things but I didn't want to set a precedent considering no one else really gets to draw from the kitchen like I do.  I'm pretty sure I'm paying less than wholesale but it's the thought that counts."

"That's good of you."  She blanched a little.  "And here I am eating everything you make without questioning it.  I'm terribly sorry.  I can pay for things too."

"You pay me with your company and studying with me," Harry said.

"As if I'd charge for that or settle things with that.  Well I can get you candy from Honeydukes in return or help chip in when I want something specific."

"That's more than fair."


"Hey Susan, I don't mean to be rude, but you look...not great," Harry said.

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