Chapter 110: Bridges Burned

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Takes place shortly after the last chapter, 109

"Mummy, can we go to the Wheezes?"

Alicia made a face.  "You live next to a Wheeze.  Why would you want to go to the store?"

Hadley gave her mother a look.  "Because it's fun and funny!"

"And do you wish to go too?" she asked Melanie, smiling at her emphatic nodding.  "I suppose we can say hi then."

"Aren't you going to ask if I want to go?" Oliver asked.

"I already know your answer," Alicia said, making him laugh.  "Are you and Sam still in a middle of a prank war?"

"Yep and I'm winning but need to keep the edge," Oliver said comfortably.

Alicia mock sighed.  "Surrounded by children, always.  Isn't that right, Melanie?"

Melanie nodded solemnly.  "Daddy said you're a big children too."

"Did he now," Alicia said, narrowing her eyes at Oliver.

"He also said don't grass him up to Mummy," Oliver laughed, laughing harder when Alicia poked him in the side.

"And what prompted that comment?" Alicia asked as the Wood family walked down Diagon, towards Weasley Wizarding Wheezes.

"Hmm, let me think.  Oh right!  When I heard you and Daphne talking about that colleague of yours, your former fellow apprentice and how they messed up that potion and it blew up in their face."

"Oh that, there's nothing wrong enjoying the failures of others."

"And that's what kept you giggling for weeks?"

"That and the fact that the explosion turned their hair bright purple," Alicia giggled.

"Oh say that's a great idea!  I need to ask Fred if they ever got the hair changing tonic ready."

"I am surprised that Coach hasn't put a stop to it between you two," Alicia sighed.

"She runs the weekly betting pool," Oliver smiled, "seeing who gets the prank right and who's winning."

"A profitable business, I'm sure."

"I think so.  She says her cut from running the pool paid for her new set of travel robes and dress robes."

The family were spending the day together.  Alicia's work schedule and Oliver's aligned nicely and they decided to go out and enjoy the spring day with one another.  After a nice lie-in, they decided to shop for this and that in Diagon and then potentially go to Hogsmeade for a late afternoon trip before heading home.

They found Fred and George working hard, as per usual, but the twins spared moments to greet the family and hug the children.  Oliver left to be shown new product with Hadley trailing after and after a bit of walking around, Alicia went outside to wait with Melanie.  Across from the Wheezes, a small child park had been built and Melanie asked to run around in it.

Alicia stood to the side and smiled as she watched Melanie bounce up and down on large balls embedded into the ground.  They changed colors when touched and played musical notes.

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