Chapter 50: Potter, Harry Potter

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Takes place before chapter 141 of Family

"Hello and welcome to our home!"  Jean smiled broadly at the people that walked out of their fireplace.  Despite having been connected via Floo to Grimmauld for a few years now, it was still a surprise for her and David when the fire turned green and people stepped out of the flames without any care or concern.

Hermione had asked if she could have friends over to watch a few movies with.  Televisions were still a little sensitive around magic so no one else really had them.  Hermione had remembered that Harry did not know who James Bond was from his seventeenth birthday and she wanted to watch some of the movies with him.  Jean and David thought that would be a lot of fun and had eagerly planned for it.

Harry, Luna, Daphne, and Tracy met at Grimmauld and came through the Floo to the Granger home together.  Harry had visited many times by now but this would be the first that the other three girls would be visiting.  It was the Easter holiday as well, hence Luna being able to come having had permission leaving Hogwarts.

"Hello Mrs. Granger," Daphne said with a small smile.  She offered a bottle of wine.  "Thank you for hosting us."

"Oh you're welcome and you needn't be that formal," Jean said warmly.  "Thank you for the wine.  I love your robes but you didn't have to be so fancy."

Daphne looked down at her clothes.  "These are my most informal clothes."  She glared at Tracy who snickered.

"What?"  Tracy wore a blouse and jeans, smiling at her irate girlfriend.

"I think they are gorgeous," Jean said soothingly.  "Maybe one day we can take you shopping for even more informal clothes.  There're few things more comfy than some sweats to lounge about in."

"Sweats?" Luna asked while Daphne looked mildly horrified.

"Sweatshirt and pants, like jumpers and things," Harry explained.  "I think they're called that since people could exercise in them and sweat in them if they liked."

"Oh that makes sense," Luna said, nodding and Daphne looked less horrified.  She wore a skirt and her Quidditch jersey and looked quite comfortable.  She looked around the Granger home.  "I like your home.  It feels very warm and inviting when you look past the surface.  Much like Hermione."

Jean chuckled.  "Thank you, Luna.  It does look a little fancy on the surface with the wood and polish but I'm glad you like how it feels.  Follow me if you please."  She led them to the living room where the large television waited.  A large sectional couch dominated the empty space with large squashy cushion chairs dotted the floor around a large coffee table.

"How does it work again?" Daphne asked, inspecting the television with interest.

"It's sort of like a pensieve," Harry said.  "You'll see things and hear things but the difference is that it isn't showing memories.  It shows recordings of actors and things."

"So they aren't real?" Luna asked.

"The actors are real people but they play characters.  Like a stage play."

"What are we watching?" Luna asked, growing more excited, bouncing up and down on the couch.

"Our favorite James Bond movies," Hermione said.  She came in, levitating trays of drinks and snacks behind her.  "Remember the suit Harry wore on his birthday?  I said he looked like James Bond and he said he didn't know who that was."

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