Chapter 5: Alternate Universe: A Flower's Delight, Part 1

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This will be my first AU chapter and I am beyond amazed that people wanted an AU of my story.  I will be approaching this a little differently.  I will be doing snippet re-writes of events after a certain point and will keep certain moments the same but obviously make appropriate changes.  I will probably space out the chapters to give it the proper attention it deserves.  This one will start after the First Task during Fourth Year.

Fleur was lost in thought.  It was a novel experience for her.  Normally, she would be very sure of what she was thinking.  She normally would identify a goal or a problem, think about it until a solution presented itself, and then go about accomplishing said solution to obtain said goal or resolve said problem.  Most of the time, it worked out rather well.

This time however, it was proving to be a little more difficult.  The problem this time was she was unaware of what the problem was technically.  It was more of an idea that rattled around in her brain, proving to be annoyingly vague.  Since she did not know what the problem was exactly, she did not know how to think of a solution.

No, that was not entirely correct.  She had an idea of what the problem was.  Not that he was a problem.  Far from it.

She stifled a sigh when she saw Aimee and Colette approach.  She loved her two friends.  Unlike most, they were true friends to her, have been for years.  After some initial posturing, barbed words thrown about fueled by misunderstanding one another, perhaps a duel or two that turned rather physical, they had become very close to each other.  Under normal circumstances, Fleur would be more than happy to talk to her two best friends about everything and anything.

Under normal circumstances.

"So, what has you lost in that empty head of yours?" Colette asked cheekily.

"Just remembering the time I dangled you over the balcony for stealing my cake," Fleur mused, joining in with their laughter.

"A valuable lesson was learned that day," Colette said.  "Never steal a Veela's treats."

"Words to live by," Aimee grinned.  "What's wrong Fleur?  I thought you would still be ecstatic after earning the top spot in the First Task and surviving the encounter with the dragon."

"Oh don't get me wrong, I am still very happy about that."  Fleur smiled.  Modesty was never one of her faults.  "I suppose...I am still wondering why Harry acted that way when I hugged him."

Aimee frowned.  "Yes, that was very odd.  He seemed very uncomfortable."

"The only boy to ever be uncomfortable at your touch," Colette teased.  "Even the ones who prefer men enjoy it when you touch them."

"I don't think it's funny."  Aimee poked her friend.

"I was trying for levity," Colette sniffed.  "I don't suppose simply asking him will work."

"You remember what his friends said.  He has to be very comfortable with you before he will divulge any secrets," Fleur reminded her.

Colette shrugged.  "Then it is simple, get him to be comfortable with you."

"Oh?  What stunning advice," Fleur said sarcastically.  "Simply force him to be comfortable.  I am sure that will work out so well.  It is not so easy."

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