Chapter 117: Slump

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Takes place around the same time as chapter 115

Hermione rang the small bronze bell that sat on the gate post.  "Luna, may I come in?"

"Yes, please come in," Luna called out, her voice just barely heard over the brassy notes of the bell, coming from within her home.

Hermione let herself through the gate and walked up the path through the front garden, opening the front door.  "Hi Luna," Hermione said.  She frowned and looked about, not seeing her friend.  "Luna?" she called out, closing the door behind her.

"In my studio," Luna called back.

Hermione walked through the home and into the back room that was Luna's studio.  She stopped when she entered the room.  "Are you okay?"

Luna blinked slowly.  "Yes, why do you ask?"

"You're upside down."  Hermione looked around her friend.  "How are you hanging upside down unaided like that?"

"Dangling Jinx," Luna said serenely.

"Oh, of course.  Did someone cast it on you?"

"I did," Luna said, looking up at Hermione.

"Oh ok."  Hermione sat down on the floor and looked further down at Luna.  "May I ask why?  Was it an accident?"

"No, it was deliberate," Luna said.  "I'm rather desperate you see."

"I really don't," Hermione replied.

Luna smiled.  "I'm in a bit of a slump."

"Literally or figuratively?"

"Funny you mention that.  I did notice I had a bit of discomfort in my back and my shoulders were curled but hanging like this seemed to have straightened me out.  A fortuitous side effect."

"That's good," Hermione smiled.  She laid down flat and, on her back, to look at Luna.  "I was getting dizzy looking at you the other way."

"You look funny lying upside down," Luna giggled.

"I'm sure.  So you had a physical slump too that's been fixed.  I assume you're having an art slump?"

"Yes, for a bit now," Luna admitted.  "I'm having trouble finding motivation for new work.  I was lucky to finish all my current jobs and projects and haven't taken anything new yet so nothing is in danger.  But I don't know what else to do or focus on right now.  I tried new personal things or learning pieces and nothing came out like I wanted so I concluded that I was slumped."

"And you thought hanging upside down would help with that?"

"I thought it might be nice to see things from a different perspective," Luna said.  "That or maybe shake something loose."

"Did it help?"

"My necklace was shaken loose."  Luna pointed at an errant necklace just out of arm's reach.  "But that's okay.  As far as ideas, not really, sad to say."

"Hmm, well, when I'm feeling a bit overworked and lacking in the creative department, I like to travel or see something new," Hermione hummed.  "Oh you just got back from a trip, right?"

"I did.  It helped a little as in I did a sketch but nothing came of it."

"That's unfortunate."

"It is, but hopefully this will pass.  I'm sorry, I've distracted you.  Was there something you needed me for?"

"Oh actually, this might benefit us both.  Mum wanted me to ask you about some painting things and if you would like to come over for tea and talk."

"That sounds lovely.  I'd like that.  When?"

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