Chapter 127: Speaking Three: The Hedwig Ultimatum

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As tradition, happens all over the timeline with the first part starting in Chapter 92

Hermione cracked the door open, peering into the sitting room.  She did not see Harry and she pushed the door open and took a few steps in, making for the portrait door.

"And where do you think you're going, you sick baby?"

Hermione groaned at the hooting.  "I'm fine!" she said nasally and coughed, belying her words.

"No you're not," Hedwig said severely.  She glared at Hermione. "Back in your room!  You know better!"

"I really need to finish my work and I'm not that sick and-hey!"  She had ducked when Hedwig flew over her head and she tried to fight when Hedwig sank her talons into her robes and was dragging her back into her room.  "Stop it!"

"No!  You're a sick baby and you go back to bed like a sick baby!" Hedwig dragged Hermione to her bed and plopped her down.  She waggled her talons at her.  "Or else!"

"You and your owner are terrible!" Hermione shouted as Hedwig slammed the door.

"Bless my feathers," Hedwig sighed, plopping down on the couch and mooning Hermione's closed door. "You are so annoying!  Go to sleep!"

Later that night when Harry returned, he found a reply waiting for him on the table.  "Did she try to sneak out?" he asked.

Hedwig nodded and sighed deeply.  "She sure did."

"Did you chase her back in?" Harry asked, smiling.

Hedwig clacked her beak and wiggled her talons gleefully.  "I sure did!"

"That's my girl," Harry praised her as he sat on the couch and opened the envelope.  He had asked Jean what he could do to help Hermione feel better, if they had any home remedies.  Jean had replied with their family's chicken soup recipe as well as thanking him for taking care of Hermione.  She had decided against sending mundane medication back with Hedwig, not sure of the legality as well as the efficacy, but had said their chicken soup was one of their favorite things to eat when any of them were ill.

"Hmm, this looks tasty.  Chicken of course.  Noodles, carrots, onion, classic ingredients.  Garlic, sage, ginger, thyme...hey, wait a second."  Harry pulled out his Potions books and looked a few things up.  "Huh, well, what do you know."  He looked at the kitchen with a thoughtful expression.  "Might be worth trying actually."

He noticed Hedwig looking at him with a concerned expression.  "What," he said defensively.  "Lots of people think out loud."

Hedwig cooed at him, patting him gently with a wing in an unmistakably condescendingly soothing gesture. "Uh huh, sure people do.  That's okay, I don't think you're mad.  Such a good little chick that's perfectly sane."

He snorted and poked her beak, just narrowly avoiding her revenge nip.  "You're so funny.  Come on then.  Let's get you some bacon."  He smiled when she barked happily, flying to sit on his head and pulling on his hair playfully as he walked into the kitchen.  Soon she was munching on some bacon as he prepared the ingredients.

"Thin slice some onions, rotating chop the carrots here.  Slice up some celery.  Mince the garlic.  Going to tie up the thyme and rosemary and sage into a bouquet garni.  Thin slice the ginger, make it into needles actually for a milder taste.  Let's do some dark meat and white meat chicken.  And here are some egg noodles.  Hmm, maybe I'll make a stock first with the bones and other things."

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