Chapter 32: Opportunity Knocks Once

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Begins during Daphne and Tracy's second year and moves onwards

"What made you do that?" Tracy asked Daphne, eyes wide.

"Do what?" Daphne asked airily as she set her things by her desk in their shared dorm room.

"Say that out in the hallways in front of everyone.  You had to know that it would piss a lot of people off."

"I am well aware," Daphne said with a small smile.

"I know that smile, it's a 'I did read good smile'," Tracy observed.  "Care to explain?"

"I was just following something my parents say," Daphne said airily.

"Never buy retail if you can buy wholesale?"


"Blood is important but so is money?"

Daphne sighed.  "No, not that one."

"Your parents say a lot of things."

"I know.  In this case it is: Opportunity knocks once."

Tracy frowned.  "What opportunity did you see?"

"A chance to make Malfoy look the fool and to rub it into the faces of others.  You saw how they turned on Potter.  By showing that I, someone in the House that most stands against the Gryffindors, do not believe the rumors, it is an insult to the other Houses and even to those in his own House."  Her smile was broad.  "It was a beautiful opportunity."

"Talking to or about Potter is a fast way to piss off Malfoy.

"And considering what Potter said earlier this year about blood purity, this will continue to make Malfoy look stupid and make everyone else in Slytherin question things."

"Well that makes sense.  For a second there I thought you were friends with him and I wanted to know how you got to be friends with him without me knowing."

"I would not call him a friend.  I have barely spoken to him."  Daphne waved a hand.  "He is too different.  I doubt we will ever be friends."


"Daphne!  Are you okay!"

"I am okay, Tracy," Daphne said.  She hugged Tracy tightly however, showing her nerves.

"What happened?!"  Tracy listened to Daphne's story of how the hippogriff had attacked Draco and nearly gotten her.  "That stupid sodding shite!  Imagine insulting a hippogriff to its face!  I'm not taking Care and even I know that!"

"He has never been accused of being intelligent," Daphne said bitterly.

Tracy looked at Daphne carefully.  "Are you sure you're not friends with Potter?"

"What do you mean?" Daphne asked, wrong-footed.

"Why would he save you if you weren't friends?"

"I asked him that.  He said he did not like seeing people hurt."

"Is he playing an angle?"

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