Chapter 150: Feathered Voice

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Takes place during Harry’s seventh year at Hogwarts, around chapter 132 of Family and after chapter 92 of Extended.

“Hmm, well, it looks like you caught the tail end of things,” Pomfrey mused.  She waved her wand and read the results of the diagnostic charm.  “Luckily everything else seems fine and you really only have one symptom.  And you should be fine within three days, providing you do what you are supposed to.”  She snorted to herself.  “And this time, you cannot argue with me.”

Harry narrowed his eyes at her and summoned the quill and ink and parchment from her desk and scribbled furiously on a piece before handing it to her.

“Oh wow, you can argue with me still, look at that,” Pomfrey smiled.  She rolled her eyes at Harry’s pawky look.  “Harry, you lost your voice but at least you are not having the same symptoms as the others during the wave of illnesses we had a little bit ago.  Just take these potions, have some of your fabulous soup, and rest.  And I am almost completely positive that your voice will return in a matter of days.”

She took another piece of parchment from him.  “I realize you have a lot of responsibilities such as being Head Boy and Quidditch Captain, not to mention normal class,” Pomfrey snorted.  “And as your Healer, I can write you a note to absolve you of your duties.  No one would hold it against you.”  She narrowed her eyes and tutted at him.  “I am no Legimens but my extensive experience working with teenagers has given me insight into body language and I can wash your thoughts with soap young man.”

Harry let out an inaudible sigh before scribbling once more.

“Yes, you will have to settle on this for communication,” Pomfrey said, reading the next message.  “You could also use the Words of Lights Charm to write out your thoughts if you wish but as you might imagine, it is a little less private.”  She taught him the wand movements and the incantation.  “I know you cannot verbalize the incantation but I think you will be able to pull it off non-verbally with your skills.

On the third try, a stream of letters flowed from his wand and floated into the air.  This is marginally better, the green letters read, floating in the air.

“Those are your options,” Pomfrey said, unimpressed at Harry’s flat look of exasperation.  “So either write it all out on parchment or via magical letters.  I suppose you could have someone act as your speaker but you would be handing them what you wanted to say anyways so it would only create more work for both of you.  Unless you and that person operate on an exceptionally close level that transcends spoken language.”

Harry opened his mouth to make a futile noise before pausing, tilting his head slightly and thinking.  I’ll take that option, but I think I need a note of permission from you to make it official and to be a part of my treatment plan to not tax my throat, he wrote.

She looked at him thoughtfully and snorted at his carefully cultivated look of blandness.  “Very well, whatever makes you smile, Harry.”  She shuddered when Harry grinned at her with an expression that was very reminiscent of two people that had graduated two years prior.  “Do not smile like that!”  She snorted again when he took on an expression of stoic seriousness like a proper British gentleman would have. 

After writing out the note of permission, she patted him fondly after he hugged her and she shooed him away.  “I might come to regret that.”

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